E-Commerce: Enhancing Performance and Growth with Seven Bits

The digital transformation is on the verge of expansive growth as more business owners are planning to go online. E-commerce industry has already crossed a mark of 3 Trillion dollars, and now the shift towards digital retail is happening at a speed of light. 

When it comes to drafting a digital transformation plan for taking the business online, choosing a robust e-commerce platform becomes instrumental. Among the plethora of platforms, nopCommerce is a robust and feature-rich digital retail platform that helps you establish and grow your retail business seamlessly. 

Scalability On The Go

The most significant competitive advantage you have with nopCommerce is on-demand scalability. We at Sevenbits creates a custom architecture for your business, keeping the future-focused approach in mind. Experience seamless inventory expansion without disrupting the customer experience. 

This platform comes with a scalable database facility, adding your latest inventories and generating more sales in a straightforward process on nopCommerce. As this platform comes with a pluggable modularized architecture, making customization while scaling your business becomes more seamless and hassle-free as compared to many other platforms.

Higher Security

In today's era of faster digitalization, the percentage of data forgery and cyber attacks have also gone high. For tackling the ongoing cybersecurity issues, nopCommerce comes with its default and vital security enhancements. It becomes easier to implement multiple security certificates on your websites that enhance the customer experience. 

Sevenbits follows a standardized security procedure to ensure your e-commerce website meets the highest security standards to ensure an uninterrupted digital experience. Our team follows an agile testing procedure to mitigate risks while migrating the legacy systems on this modern platform.

It's A Mobile-First Platform

Most of the digital retail platforms are based on a desktop-first approach. As the customers have already shifted towards smartphones, nopCommerce lets you take the lead in the competitive market. nopCommerce, by default, is a mobile-compatible platform that supports multiple devices.

Our team at Sevenbits delivers you a full-fledged digital shop that is backed with high-performance mobility support to help you grow the sales by reaching more customers. Offer an omnichannel experience to your customers with this modern platform. In current times, mobile penetration is exponentially growing; you as a business owner, don't need to pay extra for making your store mobile optimized. 

Optimized Time To Market

The development cycle of this platform is highly optimized, and it significantly reduces the overall time to market cycle. The nopCommerce is a highly stable open-source platform that is based on .Net technology. And as it supports a wide range of payment options, including 2Checkout, Google Checkout, Authorize.net, PayPal, and more, it facilitates customers with greater convenience. 

We understand your concerns regarding payment methods, and that's the reason, our team brings in a wide range of payment integrations that fits the best for your customers.

Search Engine Optimized Platform

With more than millions of e-commerce websites over the web, this platform comes with an SEO-friendly architecture that takes off the burden of a lot of additional optimization work. As it comes with inbuilt social media options, you can integrate your all social media handles in just one tap. 

Create an entire omnichannel ecosystem for your customers with this robust and modern digital retail platform. Right from remarketing leveraging the Facebook Pixel to integrating the WhatsApp share widget for higher convenience, it helps you enhance your marketing game effortlessly. 

Be it creating a brand-new e-commerce store or migrating an old store from a different platform, Sevenbits makes your business expansion faster and reliable. We are an innovative and digital retail expert company that delivers high-performance digital services to grow your business online. Know more about how Sevenbits can help you in achieving your business goals with nopCommerce. Get in touch with us at sales@sevenbits.in and our team will get you started in no time.