Virtual Developer

The post-pandemic world has changed drastically, and how businesses and customers operate is never going to go back to the old way. As companies need to work with limited resources and smaller teams, maintaining scalability and growth has become a significant issue. 

Regardless of the company size, founders and partners need more power, support, and modern technology to stay relevant in the industry. For simplifying things and letting businesses do more in less time, virtual developers bring in full-fledged agility. 

Compared to hiring in-house developers, it's more cost-effective, growth-driven, and hassle-free to work with virtual developers. In addition, as your teams will work with experienced professionals, you don't have to worry about business agility and meet the milestones in a shorter turnaround time. 

On this note, let's explore how Seven Bits' virtual developers can make a difference in your business and help you grow faster by serving your clients with top-notch services. 

Integrated productivity

Our virtual developers work as robust extended support for your team to ensure uninterrupted productivity. Seven Bits developers are agile and productive at every phase of the software development lifecycle. As you don't need to micromanage the remote team, your business saves substantial time, resulting in faster project completion. 

With the advantage of working in the same time zone with virtual developers, you can assure faster milestone completion adhering to all clients' requirements and standards. In addition, compared to newly-hired team members, you get more result-driven work while collaborating with an experienced virtual developers team.

We handpick the right talent

Once our project manager discusses project requirements and the scope of work, we brainstorm with our team members to handpick the right developers. We ensure the developers work with you and also understand your business from the inside out along with offering technical expertise.

We handpick every developer to ensure you thrive on success by delivering the best quality results to your clients. Once the interview process completes, we assist you with a faster project briefing & milestones discussion. Our all virtual developers bring in diversified industrial experience with in-depth technical expertise to deliver you growth. 

Higher retention rate

Only a few businesses focus on maintaining a healthy employee retention rate throughout multiple projects. A higher employee retention rate brings in several advantages, and seamless work completion is one of many. When you work with Seven Bits, we ensure you the highest retention rate that lets you work peacefully without worrying about re-hiring.

Whether you work with in-house developers or a remote team, the real key to success is retaining consistency throughout projects. Our project managers ensure higher agility for your projects along with a higher retention rate in the industry. 

Robust technology support

The secret of hiring the best virtual developers is to look at their technology stack and work experience. We at Seven Bits have been offering robust digital transformation services for years now. With an omnichannel experience of working with clients from multiple industries, we ensure you strong technical support.

From cryptocurrency exchange development to DeFi application development and migrating legacy systems, our teams are efficient in meeting all your business goals. With experience in several technologies and their frameworks, you can rely on our virtual developers. Be it web development or scalable mobile development services; Seven Bits has got you covered. 

Greater cost optimization

Compared to hiring in-house resources, working with a remote team of virtual developers is a highly cost-effective option. Business owners can save substantial capital by onboarding virtual developers to work on their projects. Along with payroll, companies also save infrastructure money as they don't need to buy new resources for the developers. 

Many business owners overlook this cutting-edge advantage and end up increasing the overall operation costs and compromise profitability. With Seven Bits, companies save significant time and money to take on new projects. For staying relevant and highly-agile in this competitive industry, companies need to find a way to reduce expenses, and hiring virtual developers is one impactful way. 

Efficient collaboration

Communication and collaboration are the two strongest pillars of seamless team integration and better project management. As our remote virtual developers work in the same time zone with your in-house team, collaboration & communication become seamless. 

For driving more agility into your business, our developers and project managers are available in the same working timezone as yours. And the best part is that you don't have to coordinate among different teams. 

Hire remote developers from Seven Bits

Seven Bits is an innovative and an experienced digital transformation company offering services for more than a decade now. With years of experience and an array of the latest technologies, we have you covered. From blockchain development services to mobile app development and Microsoft .Net development services, our developers can meet your every business goal. Get in touch with us at to explore how we can help your business grow at scale.