E-Commerce: Enhancing Performance and Growth with Seven Bits

The $4.89 trillion eCommerce industry is booming worldwide, and there is no going back for this paradigm shift. Post-COVID, the majority of people shifted to eCommerce, and this movement had a massive positive impact on this industry. 

The upcoming time will be distinctive as customers' demands are changing and overgrowing with the trends. As a result, companies need to think from a customer experience perspective to bring more growth to their businesses. Whether it's a local eCommerce business or a multi-national business serving thousands of customers, the core boils down to one thing — cutting-edge performance. 

Businesses need to ensure their every touchpoint is adding value to their users and their platform is technologically sound to serve a large customer base. To simplify your eCommerce journey, Seven Bits has done the research. In this post, we will walk you through with top five futuristic advancements that can help your business grow in terms of sales, customer base, and performance. 

1. M-Commerce

M-Commerce is the future of eCommerce, and COVID has accelerated its adoption globally. The majority of the retail eCommerce transactions and revenue is generated from M-Commerce, and businesses can't overlook this advancement. In addition, companies that have been responsive to these trends multiplied their income in a shorter turnaround time. 

Seven Bits help your company optimize the eCommerce platform for mobile devices and develop a dedicated shopping experience. With our eCommerce development services, you improve the overall customer experience and better control over your business. A reliable mobile application brings in more convenience, flexibility to customers. With the availability of advanced eCommerce platforms like nopCommerce, we have got you covered. 

Whether you need to improvise an existing platform or require it from scratch, our professionals meet all your business goals with excellence. In addition to offering a robust buying experience, you also get an uninterrupted and controlled channel to run marketing campaigns. 

2. Digital & crypto wallets

It's one of the most important and transforming online buying features that is disrupting the traditional mediums. As customers are getting more aware of new transaction options, they expect the same from the eCommerce platforms. Digital and cryptocurrency wallets drive convenience to online shopping along with boosting the e-commerce business. 

Digital transactions made from wallets are typically of high value compared to those made from cards or cash. As it makes the checkout process seamless and faster, customers are willing to pay a little extra for the prompt service. 

Seven Bits help businesses by integrating modern digital wallets that also support cryptocurrencies and anonymous checkout. As a result, get ahead of the competition by introducing superior convenience and ease of access. In the upcoming time, when more users will permanently shift to a decentralized ecosystem and rely on DeFi applications, eCommerce businesses can get a huge advantage. 

3. Blockchain development

Blockchain is disrupting technology, and it's shaping industries to do more with fewer resources and time. Blockchain-based eCommerce platforms are the future that will make companies go big. Using this decentralized technology, business owners can ensure their processes are scalable and on-demand. In addition, it will bring more speed and transparency to the business by allowing everyone to see how companies are managing their data and financials. 

Blockchain technology will open several opportunities for companies to expand their business in international markets. When customers don't need to rely on country-specific currencies to make payments, the sales accelerate. 

Seven Bits is a pioneer blockchain development company that offers bespoke eCommerce services to drive performance. We help businesses with migrating legacy systems to blockchain, smart contract integration, and cryptocurrency exchange development services. Our Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) team understands your business goals and drafts a custom strategy to make you stand apart. 

4. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

It's one of the significant eCommerce trends that are booming and getting widely employed in the eCommerce industry. eCommerce businesses are constantly searching for ideas to increase their revenue and improve the buying experience in an omnichannel way. A progressive web app is the most reliable way to meet both these business goals.

A PWA is a full-fledged website that has the structure of a mobile application. Therefore, rather than developing and launching native mobile apps, eCommerce companies can take benefit of PWAs to offer a more dependable mobile experience. 

At Seven Bits, we offer full-stack eCommerce development, including PWA, to make your business future-focused and scalable. We bring in the support for multiple eCommerce platforms to meet your business goals. 

5. Security

In 2021 and beyond, security is and will remain a priority. As we move towards digitization, cyber threats are also growing. For ensuring a seamless and more secure eCommerce experience across all channels, businesses need to upgrade their security implementations. We help companies integrate their services with blockchain to offer more security and agility. 

Be it securing transaction mediums to keeping customers' data safe on blockchain databases, we have got you covered. We cover all basic and advanced security necessities that will bring more trust to your customers. 

Get started with Seven Bits

Seven Bits is among the leading and innovative eCommerce development companies that offer full-fledged services. With years of experience and expert professionals, we ensure your customers get top-of-the-line experience, and you experience a massive revenue surge. Get in touch with our experts at sales@sevenbits.in to know more about eCommerce trends and development services to grow your business.