E-Commerce: Enhancing Performance and Growth with Seven Bits

With rapidly changing customers' buying patterns and demands, it has become crucial to upgrade your 'digital shop.' Be it personalized buying experience, omnichannel touchpoints, or easy checkout, there are a plentiful of elements that are needed for delivering the best-in-class e-commerce experience. 

As there are endless e-commerce platforms and services available in the market, choosing the one for your 'online success' becomes the game-changing factor. nopCommerce is a widely used e-commerce platform which comes with highly-capable customization and sheer omnichannel performance. 

If you are unsure why to pick nopCommerce for a new store or existing website integration, we at Sevenbits are here to walk you through some unmatchable features. 

1. Inbuilt Bargaining Feature

nopCommerce is the only platform that offers an inbuilt bargaining feature on a website. This feature generates you higher sales without putting any extra marketing efforts, and it has a reason behind it. It's human psychology to control the deal better while making the payment, and this feature seamlessly delivers this experience.

You can set your profit margins, quantities, and selling prices as per your requirement in this feature. And on the front end, this bargaining feature will let your customers have virtual bargaining just like the real world retail. At SevenBits, we help you create a bespoke digital store with this feature to boost your cross-selling and up-selling.

2. Offer good personalization options to customers

As per the research conducted by a firm, 86% of the customers said they are willing to pay more if they know the product better. Product personalization goes beyond a fancy addition on the site. It helps customers find the right fit for them, and hence there are more chances that they will mark a purchase. 

With this digital retail platform, you can easily showcase multiple variants of the same product without compromising the site's performance. 

3. One Page Checkout Process

There are high chances that a customer may drop the idea of placing an order if the checkout process is considerably lengthy and requires excessive details. As more than 70% of the customers shop from their mobile devices, the payment process needs to be seamless and effortless. 

As compared to the default checkout process, which usually has five to six segments, nopCommerce's one-page checkout only requires essential details from the buyers. Be it billing address, product quantity management, and coupon code, and everything is easy to manage from a single page. As the billing details are securely saved for further use, it makes the shopping experience highly personalized.

4. nopCommerce is highly scalable

E-commerce business owners understand how crucial it is to scale product inventory to attract customers and boost sales. But scaling the inventory often degrades the performance as each product comes with a series of pictures and additional information. 

But, with this open-source platform, you can cater to your customers with a seamless experience, even if your store has 100,000 products. This platform works on a modern elastic search, which ensures intact performance. With its geo-localized search feature, customers can easily find relevant products without jumping into additional search settings.

5. Multi-step personalization

This feature of nopCommerce lets you thrive online and generate more sales by letting customers perform a level-best personalization. SKUs like shoes or watches can go detailed in terms of customization as they contain multiple personalizable parts. 

The multi-step configuration process offers a seamless way of performing customization and ordering it with the highly-advanced one-page checkout process. 

6. Know your customers better

Unlike many other digital retail platforms, nopCommerce lets you integrate full-fledged Google Analytics so that you can understand your customers better. Be it demographics, organic traffic, cart abandonment rate, or highest selling products during a campaign; we at SevenBits help you track things better that matters the most to you. 

7. Leverage a mega-menu to attract more sales

With ever-evolving customer's behavior and product browsing patterns, a regular hamburger menu is not enough. With a mega-menu, showcase your products with easy navigation and product trackability for buyers. 

Our team gets you going with custom-designed mega menu options and drop-down search filters to elevate the overall customer experience. With a clear navigation path, the website's bounce rate reduces significantly, and it helps in better on-page search engine optimization (SEO).

8. Kickstart your marketing campaign

The best part about this open-source platform is that you can convert any product into a dedicated landing page. Unlike other platforms, where you need to add extra landing pages for a product dedicatedly, this e-commerce platform makes the development cycle faster by reducing the extra efforts of creating pages from scratch. 

9. Machine learning-based product suggestions

With advanced machine learning technology, you can improve customer retention and repeat rate by offering them higher personalization and quick buying suggestions. Machine learning understands and learns about your customers and suggests the products they might be interested in buying. With this feature, it becomes straightforward for your buyers to make the checkout faster and save more time.

10. Location-based product pricing 

The dynamic pricing feature plays a crucial role in generating higher profits from an online store. Whether you are targeting a global audience or catering to region-specific customers, nopCommerce supports a dynamic pricing feature that shows rates in local currencies along with additional features. 

It leverages country-specific IP addresses to display accurate pricing in local currencies. Unlike other platforms, it comes with an inbuilt pricing feature that enhances your store's overall privacy.

SevenBits is an innovative e-commerce development company, and we offer highly-customizable digital retail services to assure your success in the online market. Right from market research to legacy migration and product personalization, we take care of every aspect for you. Get started in a future-forward manner with us and serve your customers in a better manner. Want to know more about SevenBits' e-commerce services? Get in touch with us at sales@sevenbits.in, and our team will get you going with professional digital retail services.