A smart contract is the most advanced application of blockchain technology. The level of accuracy it offers in process automation is unrivaled. Also, the decentralized and trustless nature of smart contracts makes them ideal for several industries and use cases.

Why are smart contracts better than conventional technology?

They are more affordable and faster to execute:

Smart contracts are executed on the blockchain, a decentralized computer network. This means there is no need for a third-party, such as a bank or lawyer, to oversee or approve the contract. This makes the whole process more affordable and faster. Moreover, since the contract is stored on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or tampered with.

They are more accurate and transparent:

The accuracy of smart contracts is ensured by the fact that they are based on predefined rules and conditions that cannot be changed. This eliminates the possibility of human error. Furthermore, all the terms and conditions of the contract are written in code, which makes the whole process more transparent.

They eliminate the need for third-party intermediaries:

Smart contracts are based on the principle of peer-to-peer interaction. This means there is no need for a third-party intermediary, such as a bank or lawyer, to oversee or approve the contract. This makes the whole process more efficient and reduces costs.

They offer a higher level of security:

When it comes to security, smart contracts are much more secure than traditional contracts. This is because they are stored on the blockchain, a decentralized and tamper-proof network. Moreover, using cryptographic algorithms makes it impossible for anyone to alter or tamper with the contract.

Smart contract development use cases across industries

Now that we know what smart contracts are and why they are better than traditional contracts let's take a look at some of the most robust use cases of smart contract development across industries.


The healthcare industry is one of the most promising sectors for smart contract adoption. The use of smart contracts can help to streamline the process of claims management and reimbursement. Moreover, it can also help to keep track of medical records and prescriptions. In addition, smart contracts can be used to develop decentralized applications (DApps) for patient health data management.

Supply chain management:

The use of smart contracts can help to streamline the process of supply chain management. For instance, it can be used to keep track of inventory levels, as well as to automate the process of ordering and shipping. In addition, smart contracts can be used to develop DApps for tracking the provenance of goods. Moreover, they can also be used to create digital identities for products and services.


The insurance industry is another sector that can benefit from adopting smart contracts. Using smart contracts can help automate the process of claims management. In addition, it can also help to reduce the cost of premiums. Moreover, smart contracts can be used to develop DApps for insurance policy management.

Real estate:

The use of smart contracts can also help to streamline the process of real estate transactions. For instance, it can be used to automate the process of title transfer and property registration. In addition, smart contracts can be used to develop DApps for mortgage processing and land management.


The government is another sector that can benefit from adopting smart contracts. For example, the use of smart contracts can help to automate the process of tax collection and benefit payments. In addition, it can also help to streamline the process of voting and democratic decision-making. Moreover, smart contracts can be used to develop DApps for identity management and fraud detection.


Digital retail is getting bigger each year, and with that comes new opportunities for fraud. Therefore, smart contracts can help here by verifying the conditions of a sale, such as delivery time and quality of the product. Automating these processes with smart contracts can save businesses a lot of time and money.


Post-COVID, the automotive sector is making a strong comeback. However, with that said, the process of buying and selling cars is still very manual and time-consuming. Smart contracts can help to automate this process by keeping track of vehicle ownership and maintenance records. In addition, they can also be used to develop DApps for car rental and sharing.

Wrapping up!

Seven Bits is a leading smart contract development company offering a wide range of services to help you take advantage of the benefits of blockchain technology. We have a team of experienced and certified developers who are well-versed in Solidity, Ethereum, and Hyperledger Fabric. Moreover, our Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) is equipped with the latest tools and technologies to develop robust smart contract solutions to meet all your business needs. Contact us at sales@sevenbits.in to explore the immense potential of smart contract development.