Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

Companies, regardless of their industries, are leveraging blockchain-based data systems to improve efficiency and integrity. Be it supply chain, healthcare, government, or fintech services; this modern advancement helps companies in better data management and cost optimization. 

In countries like Switzerland and Malta, the government is boosting private organizations to adopt this tech. And to serve customers better, blockchain-based decentralized data systems become more useful. Many companies are already leveraging its potential to disrupt their traditional business models. As we move towards digital transformation, blockchain provides us more speed and efficiency, reducing cost.

Greater transparency

The foremost advantage of leveraging this technology in your organization is greater transparency. It not only helps the teams in better management but also establishes greater trust. As the blockchain is a distributed ledger, the transaction history becomes more transparent across the organization's network and all other touchpoints. The data available on the network can only be accessed or altered by an authorized party, enhancing security. 

Sevenbits helps you migrate the legacy data system into the full-fledged decentralized data architecture to make the business future-focused. As the data on this distributed-ledger system is more accurate and consistent, it improves the organization's inter-departmental communication.

Enhanced security is pivotal

Whether it's a startup, a mid-sized company, or a big player, it becomes instrumental for business owners to keep a check on overall security. And the best part about this advancement is that it puts the enhanced security check on automation, so you don't need to intervene in it manually. 

There are plentiful options for public and private blockchain platforms. Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, IBM Blockchain, Ripple are some of the widely popular options. Sevenbits help your business choose the right platform to grow your business in alignment with your future goals. 

Having a firm control over the data flowing within and outside the organization is important for drafting the right blueprint of strategic goals. Whether you are running a digital retail business or you are into an insurance business, distributed-ledger implementation ensures top-notch security and data availability around the clock. Sevenbits brings in comprehensive blockchain strategic partnership services to cater to your future-focused business goals.

Profound data traceability and ownership

The best part about leveraging the blockchain-based data system is your team can have better data traceability. And on the other hand, your customers can have all-time access and security control options on their data in your systems. By migrating traditional record-keeping systems to a cloud-based decentralized architecture ensures faster scalability in the future. 

We at Sevenbits have a blockchain CoE that ensures faster and friction-less migration for your business. Whether you are operating your company from Switzerland into different countries, our team gets you going with the most efficient digital transformation business growth strategies. 

Our team ensures you can operate on your business-sensitive information more efficiently, leveraging our custom data solutions to make your business ready for upcoming disruption.

Speed is the growth catalyst for business

As we move towards a blazing fast business era, a delay is not acceptable when it comes to communicating with large sets of data over multiple locations and conditions. Blockchain offers secure peer-to-peer communication among your data systems to ensure cutting-edge productivity. 

By streamlining business-sensitive information over these decentralized systems, transactions can be finished with higher speed and accuracy. Our team performs a brainstorming session with your executives to understand the business goals and offer a bespoke implementation. We assure the highest 'digital fitness' of your data while you expand your business.

As your different teams can access the same data and have better inter-departmental coordination, both speed and productivity improve this capable technology implementation. For impeccable business growth, you need to have your complex business processes operate faster, and it's only possible with these public or private distributed data implementations. 

Expanding your business with cost optimization

Most business owners think integrating these modern decentralized data systems would be high on cost, but that's not true. As you implement this architecture and control data all over the network, the middleman and third-party get eliminated. Be it transaction of data or making payments, your business saves on heavy transaction charges in both the short and long run. 

The documentation part gets slashed to fractions as blockchain architecture interprets and verify data over the network automatically. The documentation review process can be automated by leveraging smart contracts, and so on. Whenever your business partners or customers add new data, it instantly gets verified and added. On the other side, the traditional process requires a multi-step manual verification process for doing the same thing.

Why Decentralized Data Systems and DeFi Are Going Big

Cloud-based data systems and decentralized finance are the two next big disruptions that will transform businesses in the upcoming time. As customer's behavior is changing rapidly, their payment preferences are also ever-evolving with time. Having a custom crypto wallet for customers can play a winning move in the market. 

With a decentralized finance wallet, you offer better control to customers for managing their credit without any third-party intervention. Manage your omnichannel touchpoints for customers with higher blockchain encryption from Sevenbits. 

Want to know more about how to make your business future-focused and scalable with blockchain in Switzerland and Malta? Get in touch with us at, and our team will be happier to understand your business goals. It’s the right time to migrate to these advanced systems and make your business ‘future-proof’ while expanding processes.