Blockchain technology is playing a significant role in various businesses today. It has become the need of the hour for many business organizations to keep a check on their data and transactions. Blockchain technology provides a tamper-proof and decentralized ledger that can record transactions across different industries.

Hyperledger Sawtooth is one of the popular Blockchain frameworks that is being used by many businesses today. It is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework. Hyperledger Sawtooth is ideal for building distributed ledger applications and networks. Many business organizations are using this framework to fuel their business.

What is Hyperledger Sawtooth?

Hyperledger Sawtooth is an open-source business-oriented permissioned distributed ledger framework. It is a platform for building enterprise-grade blockchain applications. Hyperledger Sawtooth provides a modular architecture that allows for pluggable implementations of the core components. The modularity of Hyperledger Sawtooth makes it ideal for developing applications for specific needs.

Businesses can use this framework to implement & simplify decentralized digital communities, data-sharing networks, marketplaces, and more. Compared to other blockchain frameworks, Hyperledger Sawtooth is more scalable and easier to use.

How does Hyperledger Sawtooth work?

The Hyperledger Sawtooth framework consists of three major components: the validator, the transaction family, and the application. The validator is responsible for maintaining the ledger and executing transactions. It does this by running a consensus algorithm. The transaction family defines the rules for validating and applying transactions. The application interacts with the ledger through the transaction family.

The Hyperledger Sawtooth consensus algorithm is based on Proof-of-Work (PoW). PoW is a type of algorithm that allows for efficient and secure consensus. The algorithm is designed to resist Sybil attacks, where an attacker creates multiple identities to gain control of the network.

The Hyperledger Sawtooth framework is designed to be modular and scalable. The modularity of the framework allows for different transaction families to be used. This makes it possible to develop applications for specific needs. The scalability of Hyperledger Sawtooth makes it suitable for large-scale deployments.

Benefits of Hyperledger Sawtooth for businesses:

There are several benefits of using Hyperledger Sawtooth for businesses. Some of the benefits are listed below:

It's energy-efficient:

The Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm used by Hyperledger Sawtooth is designed to be energy efficient. This makes it more suitable for large-scale deployments. Moreover, Hyperledger Sawtooth uses less computational power compared to several other frameworks.

Byzantine-fault tolerant:

The Hyperledger Sawtooth framework is Byzantine-fault tolerant. This means that it can resist attacks from malicious nodes. As the cyber-attacks on enterprise architectures are growing, the need for Byzantine-fault tolerance is also increasing.

It's scalable:

The scalability of Hyperledger Sawtooth makes it suitable for large-scale deployments. The framework's modularity also allows for different transaction families to be used. This makes it possible to develop applications for specific needs.

Parallel scheduling:

The Hyperledger Sawtooth framework uses a parallel scheduling algorithm. This makes it possible to process transactions in parallel. It increases the efficiency of the framework. Parallel scheduling becomes essential for businesses when they need to process many transactions.

It supports multiple programming languages:

The Hyperledger Sawtooth framework supports multiple programming languages. It makes it possible to develop applications in the language of your choice. Currently, the following programming languages are supported: Java, JavaScript, Go, and Python.

How can Seven Bits help your business thrive with blockchain?

Seven Bits is a leading blockchain development company offering businesses state-of-the-art solutions. We have a team of experienced blockchain developers who can help you develop applications on Hyperledger Sawtooth. Seven Bits can help your business with:

Legacy system migration:

We can help you migrate your legacy systems to Hyperledger Sawtooth. This will help you take advantage of the benefits offered by the framework. Our Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) team helps businesses plan and execute legacy system migrations.

Smart contract development:

We can help you develop smart contracts on Hyperledger Sawtooth. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that can be used to automate business processes. Our team of experienced blockchain developers can help you develop smart contracts that meet your specific needs.

Cryptocurrency exchange development:

We can help you develop a cryptocurrency exchange on Hyperledger Sawtooth. Our team of experienced developers can help you plan and develop the exchange. We can also help you integrate the exchange with your existing systems.

Business continuity support:

Seven Bits can help you plan and execute your business continuity plan. Our team of experienced blockchain developers can help you develop a robust business continuity plan that will help you survive in the event of a disaster.

Get started with Seven Bits!

Seven Bits is a leading blockchain development company offering a complete end-to-end solution for businesses. We have a team of experienced blockchain developers who can help you develop applications on Hyperledger Sawtooth. Contact us at to get started with Hyperledger Sawtooth.