Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

Blockchain technology is flourishing rapidly across multiple industries. Be it automotive, Fintech, healthcare, insurance, or B2B businesses, blockchain applications are substantial. Compared to traditional technologies, blockchain is reliable, scalable, and, most importantly, transparent. 

Post pandemic, how people interact with businesses has changed drastically, and companies need to stand apart to grow their sales and authority in the competitive domain. Along with providing state-of-the-art solutions, and customer services, companies need to focus on business transparency. Customers need to know how companies handle, manage, and process their data in their internal systems. 

Transparency is critical in 2021 and beyond

With the growing digital transformation, the threat of cybercrime is also growing, and it's creating a sense of caution among customers at every touchpoint. To gain trust in the mainstream business domain, companies need technological advancements that can help create a more transparent operating model. 

For making things straightforward from a security perspective, blockchain is a superior technology. This distributed ledger technology is a boon for businesses to drive more value to customers with higher transparency. On this note, check out how blockchain can help companies deliver more value to customers and business partners with higher transparency. 

Secured data operations

The most significant advantage of adopting blockchain technology is the highest-grade security in data management operation across all touchpoints. As it is a decentralized technology, data remains safe at multiple nodes, and no one can forge data blocks if they are not the respective owner of that data. 

With these security enhancements, customers can share their confidential details with more confidence, and it improves the authority of the business in the industry. When customers can see how companies are storing and processing the data, it becomes much easier to generate more business leads as transparency act as a core foundation.

Self-execution technology

Using blockchain technology like smart contracts, companies can automate their manual data processing task and ensure higher authenticity as there is no human intervention. In industries like insurance, and Fintech where companies deal with a ton of documentation, smart contracts can ease the process with their self-validation and self-execution capabilities. 

When both parties agree on standard terms, and the complete process goes automated using smart contracts, it helps in improving transparency. In this way, companies can drive more value to their customers and improve their business scalability. 

Seamless payment systems

Post pandemic, the complete payment paradigm took a shift, and people are moving towards digital and crypto payments. Blockchain technology empowers companies to grow their business worldwide by integrating cryptocurrency payment systems. With this integration, companies can quickly scale their business, and the buyers' anonymity also remains intact. 

Nowadays, most online buyers seek anonymous check out while purchasing due to ongoing personal data misuse. With blockchain technology, companies can establish a firm transparency payment model for customers. The decentralized payment system is the upcoming future, and SevenBits helps businesses step towards the forthcoming technology disruption. 

The future of blockchain across industries

For the past ten years, this decentralized technology has drastically changed and has become more advanced. In the upcoming time where more than 77% of businesses believe blockchain is a critical part of their system, we will see more advancements. Be it improving transparency, security, or automation across touchpoints; blockchain is the only way to accomplish complex business goals. 

Regardless of business size, blockchain technology can drive substantial value to a company and its customers. This distributed ledger technology not only improves transparency but also brings more revenue generation opportunities. 

Get started with Seven Bits blockchain development

Seven Bits is a pioneer and innovative blockchain development company that offers full-fledged decentralization solutions. From smart contract development to cryptocurrency exchange development, and NFT integration, we have you covered. 

Our Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) team analyzes, drafts, and executes bespoke strategies for your business. Our team is proficient in delivering custom solutions with a robust availability of more than seven public and private blockchain frameworks. Our experts offer highly scalable decentralized solutions that make business expansion easier. Get in touch with us at to explore more about how blockchain can transform the entire business and let you drive more value to customers.