E-Commerce: Enhancing Performance and Growth with Seven Bits

In this digital era, businesses regardless of their industries are coming online to serve their customers with the best possible services. With the market valuation of more than 9 trillion dollars and overgrowing competition, it becomes instrumental to take a leap in the race and retain maximum customers. 

Be it a digital retail store, or an online custom accessory shop, it has to be inclined towards customers' demands and their buying persona. With such cutting-edge growth opportunities in the digital domain, choosing the right retail platform is crucial. 

As all businesses are different from one another, the entire planning to launch or scale an online company has to be done on the basis of performance. When it comes to picking up the most reliable and efficient platform for store development, nopCommerce is the best CMS to gain and retain customers. This open-source platform comes with a lot of exclusive features that help the business owners in offering seamless services to their customers.

In-depth product information

The biggest advantage of leveraging this digital retail platform is comprehensive product attributes. From SKU, price, weight, image to stock level, the store owner can offer all the necessary information that helps in building trust among the users. 

Many other content management systems have only a couple of product attributes and variation options. But in nopCommerce, store owners can also create custom attributes for special customized products. 

Another major advantage that e-commerce business owners get is the dynamic pricing of this platform. It allows the business runner to set dynamic pricing for different groups. Just like a real-world store, nopCommerce offers the option for price bargains which gives the 'sense of control' to the customers. 

When the buyers purchase items at their suggested price, it builds a higher retention rate. It's like a win-win situation for both the owner and customers. Our team at SevenBits helps you migrate your existing store to nopCommerce to help you gain more visitors. 

Seamless checkout for customer retention

One of the biggest reasons for cart abandonment among visitors is lengthy checkout processes and detail-oriented forms. It happens quite often that many users are in a hurry and they just need a seamless checkout process to save time. 

In such scenarios, nopCommerce is a life-saver for retaining the customers. With its single-page checkout options, it becomes easier for visitors to enter only the needful details and place an order. It significantly decreases the steps needed in the checkout process and also helps to boost revenue and conversion rates. 

Unlike any other present platforms, this open-source CMS also offers a unique feature of anonymous checkout. This anonymous checkout lets the visitors checkout without making an account. Several users prefer this option because it let them make the purchase faster and in a more secure manner. With these seamless processes, it becomes hassle-free for business owners to retain and grow their customer list. 

Inbuilt mobile application

nopCommerce is only such a platform that lets the business owners create a mobile application for their digital store without any extra development efforts. As more than 70% of the customers prefer to shop online, having a mobile application is instrumental. 

This platform lets you develop a mobile storefront of your webshop in just a few clicks. This not only helps in retaining more customers but also helps in generating more sales. The mobile version of your store works seamlessly on connected devices with an improved user experience. We at SevenBits help you develop both store and application so that you can serve your visitors in a seamless manner. 

As this platform offers the option of managing multiple stores from a single dashboard, business owners can manage their operations in an optimized way. With a single installation, you can create different stores for multiple audiences like B2B, B2C or affiliate audience. This feature helps you with superior business operation management.

Your store is compliance-ready

With ever-growing concern regarding user data and personal information, countries have introduced their own guidelines including GDPR and PCI DSS compliance. Without meeting these compliances, owners can not grow their stores in these regions. But this CMS comes with inbuilt compliances that make the store launch process faster and it gains the trust of users faster.

With the support of more than 50 payment gateways and inbuilt compliances, webshop owners can establish their brands as an authority in the digital space. This platform receives all the latest updates related to compliances so that you always stay relevant in the digital business. 

SevenBits team helps in integrating your business preferred customizations adhering to these compliances to gain more traction from the visitors. Regardless of industries, we help you launch a full-fledged digital store so that you can scale your business across geographies. As this CMS is based on Microsoft's ASP.NET Core framework, it keeps the store security intact. 

Customer-centric marketing

nopCommerce comes with inbuilt unique product marketing strategies that help you retain and grow your customers in the smartest approach. This platform comes with an inbuilt reward system for your customers. This reward points approach lets you offer points earned on the money spent at your store. A customer can then redeem the points for additional products at your store.

Along with this, nopCommerce offers an inbuilt newsletter and coupon features that lets you keep the marketing campaign aligned and targeted. Even if you are managing multiple stores, this platform comes with a centralized database that lets you manage a large set of customers from one place.

Want to know more about our future-focused nopCommerce development services? Get in touch with us at sales@sevebits.in to explore more.