Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

As businesses grow and scale with digital transformation trends, the complexities also surge. Regardless of business size and industry, company owners require higher efficiency to thrive. As we are moving ahead in 2021, blockchain technology is playing a multi-faceted role in digital progress. 

After the pandemic, companies seek safer, easy, and automated ways to run their businesses with minimum resources. Traditional & centralized technologies fail to match up with the blazing progressive speed, and hence blockchain comes to play its role. Ethereum is a widely-used blockchain development technology that is facilitating developers in several ways. 

If you are new to Ethereum and how it can transform your business, we have you covered. In this article, we will check out how this peer-to-peer advancement is fueling innovations across companies. Also, we will sneak a peek into how SevenBits can help you get going with these trends and gain higher traction. 

NFT development

Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs are the most-leveraged advancements that companies use to protect their data with unique identities. NFT technology is based on the Ethereum framework, and it takes the concept of decentralization a step ahead.

Unlike other interchangeable blockchain assets and cryptocurrencies, NFTs have their unique identity proposition, making them impossible to swap or trade with a similar asset. They are ideal for storing business-sensitive data that don't need modification in the future. SevenBits is an expert NFT development company, and we help you secure your significant business data clusters. 

We make the business scalable

Using Ethereum, our Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) team brings more scalability to your business without disrupting the existing processes. With our advanced blockchain applications like smart contracts, blockchain-based databases, and legacy migration, we improve scalability.

In 2021 and beyond, scalability will be the most prominent growth factor for companies in these challenging times. To onboard new customers and grow its reach in the new domain, business owners will need seamless scalability. 

SevenBits analyzes, drafts, and prepares a bespoke plan to scale your business using blockchain gradually. Our team's custom solutions let companies take one more step towards robust digital transformation. 

Faster functional implementations

Be it developing a B2B application or a web-based solution; the Ethereum framework offers greater flexibility in all complex implementations. As it is a peer-to-peer network, maintaining better security in custom solutions becomes much more accessible. We help enterprises quickly deploy and manage their blockchain networks and run their complex operations on top of it. 

Our team is experienced in designing Ethereum blockchain-based frameworks for businesses to streamline operations. From improved data management to security upgrades and seamless communication across remote touchpoints — we have you covered. 

Secure transactions

With Ethereum, businesses can offer a better payment experience to their customers without disrupting the existing system. By using a blockchain-based wallet, customers and business partners can perform faster and more secure transactions. 

Along with higher convenience, this implementation also lets companies save money by eliminating third-party services. When the company is not using any third-party platforms to process transactions, it improves security and trust among existing and new customers. 

SevenBits is a leading company that offers crypto wallet development services to let you expand operations globally. With our full wallets, your customers and internal teams can execute transactions without delay and system limitation. 

Logistics management

Logistics is among the most intricate operational domains that requires constant manual efforts to ensure everything is on track. As the business grows, the traditional technology fails to address complex issues and mismanagement in the logistics chain. To help companies with better management, Ethereum plays a transforming role.

With an Ethereum-based database for logistics management and data processing, operations are easier to optimize and speed up. Teams can manage the procurement process, logistics tracking and get real-time updates with a decentralized system. 

Why SevenBits for blockchain development services?

SevenBits is a professional and leading blockchain development company that caters to all business requirements. Our team is proficient in NFT development, innovative contract development, legacy system migration, and more. Along with Ethereum development, we support more than eight private and public blockchain developments. 

In NFT, our team offers bespoke development in several standards, including ERC -721, ERC-1155, ERC-777, and ERC-165. Get in touch with us at to know about how we can help your business transform using blockchain.