How Seven Bits can help you in business continuity amid Covid-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has put all the companies in a condition that needs drastic efforts to bounce back. Thousands of companies gone shut and organizations are struggling to manage their day-to-day operations with efficiency and transparency. Work from home sounds effortless but it comes with its own challenges. This is a wakeup call for all the companies and industries that their business model is not that efficient. 

However, we can neglect the impact caused by COVID-19, but it's indeed possible to operate on a level that minimizes business complexities in this unrest. Seven bits is a proficient digital transformation company that has given efficient business continuity solutions to different industry-specific companies. We have helped businesses achieve 40% growth by optimizing their processes in this pandemic

How Seven Bits is helping in business continuity amid COVID-19

Better accessibility through blockchain

The biggest challenge COVID-19 has imposed in front of all the companies is proper data accessibility for business continuity. As most of the companies were never prepared for work from home, they faced severe challenges. Seven Bits helped numerous companies by implementing quick blockchain-based data protection and accessibility solutions. 

We can help re-engineer complete business data architecture and make it secure through multi-grade encryption. Channel sensitive information among your teams with confidence. We bring better data tracking and monitoring solutions for uninterrupted business continuity. 

On-demand cloud scalability:

As the business capabilities are affected, your business needs to have a cloud platform to process data faster. Seven Bits brings different cloud architectures including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS to let your business operation executes without any hindrance. 

We can create custom and scalable on-demand could infrastructure to strengthen the business model. Our team brings robust data migration services to help in operating business in continuity. Leverate end-to-end data availability powered by a cloud infrastructure to serve your customers faster. As cloud architectures are highly customizable and secure, you can manage data authority hierarchy easily.

End-to-end collaboration platforms

Seven Bits offer proactive deployment of end-to-end collaboration platforms for efficient teamwork. With cloud-enabled infrastructure and robust data security practices, we help you collaborate and work with the fullest potential in such an unprecedented time.

Our team ensures smooth functioning by integrating communication and data-sharing tools into your existing business processes. With our robust web portals and mobile solutions, you can carry out every operation in a hassle-free way. Seven Bits designs seamless location-free work practices with improved efficiency. You can count on us for implementing quick collaboration solutions within your business. 

Faster resource upgradation and deployment

We are constantly supporting our clients with faster resource degradation to deliver needful processing power. From cloud migration to server upgradation, we make sure you are efficiently delivering service to your customers. 

Be it cloud-based data monitoring to automated report generation, our quick resource integration services can help you operate with power amid the COVID-19 situation. We offer robust server maintenance and monitoring solutions that pace up current work progress. 

Re-structuring business models

COVID-19 has shown us how strong our business processes were amid the outbreak situation. Seven Bits is using disruptive and agile-based business model re-engineering services to bring more power to your business. From supply chain management optimization to the logistics business re-engineering, we have got you covered.

Our team uses modern assessment tools to quickly generate business model readiness reports. We follow an agile-sprint working methodology to quickly make changes so that you can run your business with more control and a future-proof approach.

Secure your business with our robust continuity solutions. Get in touch with us and we will help you with our COVID-19 enterprise services. Seven Bits is on constant efforts to ensure all our clients experience seamless business operations during this difficult time.