Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

The boom of blockchain is overgrowing in the digital space and more countries are adopting this advancement to make their economy digitally fit. Regardless of industries, companies across the globe are integrating digital transformation applications for business growth. Nigeria is among those countries that are creating a bridge towards futuristic digital disruption with blockchain. 

Nigeria’s National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has partnered with tech players to implement blockchain technology. It will help the nation to outgrow its several industrial sectors and ultimately their GDP. With this coming wave of digital transformation, it is the right time for companies in Nigeria to adopt blockchain to enjoy the upcoming surge in demand. 

NITDA is planning to generate at least $10 billion dollars by the year 2030 and it's the right time for native companies to thrive on digital growth. SevenBits is a leading blockchain development company that offers instrumental growth services adhering to this tech. 

We at SevenBits bring in a large set of services leveraging both public and private blockchain technology. To scale your business and customer base faster, SevenBits is here to cover every aspect of your company for future-focused growth.

DeFi (Decentralized Finance) integrations

DeFi is the hottest trend in the digital world and it lets you scale your services across the globe by streamlining the payment process. With DeFi, your business is no longer dependent on third-party services for bridging the payment facilities across customers. With this integration, offer an omnichannel payment experience to your customers. 

Peer-to-Peer payment across multiple channels can be made possible with blockchain. We at SevenBits help you in integrating this modern payment technology. This integration not only offers higher customer satisfaction but also saves you from shelling out third-party transaction charges. 

Be it, stakeholders, vendors, supply-chain body, or end-users, DeFi is a revolutionary payment implementation that can help your company leap.

Smart Contract development 

Smart contracts are virtual kinds of agreements that are encoded with blockchain-based authentication protocols. These contracts cannot be modified by any party, including the two supporting holders. Implementing these contracts on both B2B and B2C level can eliminate data redundancy and security issues. 

You as a business owner can have a better track over the documentation exchange between the multiple parties. These smart contracts reduce human intervention in manual documents audit for authenticity. Regardless of your industry, while dealing with customers, clients, or external business entities, they can play an instrumental role. Our team offers bespoke smart contract services and suggests the execution after analyzing your business. Retaining contract autonomy is the key goal that makes you one step closer to future digital disruption.

Wallet development

As the customers' preferences are ever-evolving with the on-going tech adaptation, cryptocurrency wallet development can help companies in boosting digital secure transactions. These custom wallets not just offer higher speed but also keep the personally identifiable information (PII) away from the risk-prone digital payment ecosystem. 

With the government of Nigeria giving green signals to blockchain adaptation, wallet development for your customer and B2B partners will be a game-changing move. Many technologies including Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and R3 Corda are being heavily used by other nations' companies to strengthen their tech base. SevenBits analyzes and drafts the best custom wallet development plan that streamlines the customer experience. 

As the government is stressing over improving their economy with the help of blockchain technology, this future advancement will play a pivotal role.

Blockchain-based security 

The appeal of blockchain technology in the digital space is unmissable and it's a stepping stone towards higher and better security implementations. When the entire centralized security architecture is transformed into a decentralized model, both data availability and security improve. 

Data security can be brought under better monitoring with this technology. Both customers' data and the company's business-sensitive data can be kept intact and organized. Also, with blockchain, the chances of a data breach reduce to a minimum. We at SevenBits offer secure blockchain-based security services to ensure you scale at exponential speed without dealing with manual data management.

ICO, IEO, STO services for your business

To grow and sustain business in this digital era is made simple with blockchain advanced implementations. From developing an initial coin offering product to launching an initial exchange offering under your brand name, SevenBits blockchain CoE helps in getting things aligned with your business goals. 

Existing business automation can be made significantly secure by implementing blockchain technology. Even with all such advanced applications, this tech has a more tremendous potential to be explored. Blockchain valuation will be 39.7 billion by 2025 and this is the right time to adopt these advancements with your existing business model. 

Be it automotive, insurance, construction, or corporate companies; this decentralized technology is capable of strengthening the business right from its core. Want to know more about our blockchain development services? Get in touch with us at to explore more.