Automotive: Revolutionizing Automotive Industry: Blockchain Innovations

The automotive industry is getting more complex, comprehensive, and captivating with the evolution of Industry 4.0. Be it OEMs, supply chain vendors, fleet management business owners, all need a sheer transformation to cope with the rapid digitization. With such rapid development, customers are also getting more aware of how their data is being collected, stored, or used by the companies.

To take the lead in 2021 and beyond, automotive business owners need to redefine their entire data security architecture to retain and attract more customers. Regardless of organization size and revenue, it has become imperative to take the extra step towards security across all touchpoints to keep business data secure. 

After the COVID-19 disruption, when more people are coming online to seek digital help in this sector, a digital transformation regarding security has become vital. If you are not aware of how blockchain implementations can help you make your business future-proof and secure, we have got you covered. In this article, we will look at how SevenBits can help your automotive business in securing the data and improve customer experience. 

Secure customer onboarding

The customer onboarding process is a very document-intensive process, and it requires substantial manual effort and physical monitoring. Even after keen supervision, there are high chances of data errors and mismanagement. To solve this problem and secure the entire onboarding process, blockchain technology can play a winning role. 

With blockchain's smart contracts integration, the data collection, verification, storage, and authoritative updation can be automated. With this implementation, it will be easier for owners to ensure the data is intact and stored decentralized. Another advantage of leveraging smart contracts in business is that it helps companies establish trust faster among potential customers. SevenBits offers advanced smart contracts development services to cover all your data storage and validation requirements. 

Blockchain-based cloud database

Centralized systems are vulnerable to multiple online and offline threats, and constant monitoring is required for their efficient functioning. Blockchain-based systems eliminate all these security shortcomings by adding an additional level of security. SevenBits can help automotive companies migrate their legacy systems into a modern & full-fledged blockchain-based cloud database. The fundamental advantage of having decentralized data is all-time uptime along with higher data integrity. 

Unlike centralized systems, no one can modify the data or database architecture, and this property makes the business future-focused and scalable.  

Secure supply chain and procurement process

Supply chains and procurement processes in the automotive domain are widely distributed, and complex. As the business grows over time, the complexities also surge, and it slows down the entire operations. To avoid such scenarios, SevenBits helps in transforming the entire supply chain database and touchpoints to establish higher data security and uplifting the user experience. 

Whether you are a vendor in an automotive supply chain or you manage procurement processes for multiple business partners, we have got you covered. We can help your business secure the complete supply chain with blockchain and improve real-time communication & data sharing. 

Our Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) team is expertise in identifying the business improvement areas and transforming the processes with blockchain technology. Our team brings in support of more than eight blockchain public and private technologies to cater to your all complex and bespoke requirements. 

Want to know more about how SevenBits' blockchain development services for the automotive industry can help you take the lead? Get in touch with us at to explore more opportunities. Be it migrating legacy systems, integrating smart contracts, or establishing a crypto wallet to your business; we have covered every growth aspect of your business.