Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

Blockchain technology is transforming the way companies scale their business and perform operations. This decentralized technology is an enabler for faster growth, profitability, and better customer experience. With immense demand for this technology, blockchain development companies need to hire experienced blockchain developers. 

By hiring virtual blockchain developers for your projects, you save substantial time and improve client retention rates by offering top-notch services. After the pandemic, most companies are forced to work with limited resources and a workforce. Hiring remote blockchain developers to complete projects faster is the smartest way to take an edge in the market. 

Whether you are a startup, a small enterprise, or an organization that requires proficient blockchain developers to speed up the development cycle, we have you covered. On this note, let's explore how our blockchain developers help your business thrive on growth and scalability without the substantial overhead. 

Expertise in multiple frameworks

Our Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) team is expertise in more than eight public and private blockchain frameworks. Be it Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Ripple, or R3 Corda, we have got you covered. Our team is expert in handling multiple frameworks and protocols to meet your project goals at the shortest turnaround time. 

Using the latest blockchain frameworks, you can assure higher agility and performance efficiency throughout the development lifecycle. If you are not sure about the right blockchain framework, our team will help you to finalize the best one to begin the project. 

Dedicated support and manager

While hiring dedicated resources overseas, the time zone is a challenge to manage. However, Seven Bits streamlines the process by giving the timing flexibility to meet your milestones. Our developers can work as per your time zone to ensure faster project progress. You don't have to worry about the overall efficiency or deliverables. Our dedicated project managers are always there to help and walk you through the progress and milestones. 

When you hire Seven Bits' virtual blockchain developers, you not only save substantial time in team coordination but also speeds up the entire execution. 

Agile methodology

Working methodology matters the most when it comes to hiring remote blockchain developers. We at Seven Bits adhere to the robust, agile methods to ensure each project phase is well researched, discussed, and designed for maximum work efficiency. Leveraging the agile methodology allows our developers to seamlessly work on your multiple projects without impacting the efficiency or quality. 

Once you finalize the project, we carefully hand-pick the best blockchain developers, and they can start working on the required deliverables in a short period. The most significant advantage of following an agile methodology is faster project delivery with higher efficiency and superior management. 

Comprehensive services

Seven Bits brings in a comprehensive set of blockchain development services to grow your business in an omnichannel manner. We have you covered from cryptocurrency exchange development to crypto wallet integration, smart contract development, or migrating from legacy systems. 

Whatever your requirements are, our experienced developers are here to blueprint, plan, and execute project milestones seamlessly. We are offering our development services across multiple industries including, automotive, retail, and enterprise. 

From optimizing supply chain business with a blockchain-based database to developing a fully bespoke ICO, our virtual blockchain experts are here to make you thrive online. 

Robust support and scalability

When you work with Seven Bits blockchain experts, you don't need to worry about support as our team members' leader is always there for you. We understand the need for scalability for business, and that's why we work with a future-focused approach for seamless scalability. 

Compared to onboarding new developers and providing them the needful training, hiring experienced blockchain experts makes more business sense in terms of profitability. Experience state-of-the-art support and business scalability solutions from Seven Bits to outperform competitors. 

Cost efficiency 

Compared to the traditional recruitment and training process, hiring blockchain developers from Seven Bits is a more cost efficient and flexible approach. You can pick the best engagement model that suits your business and begin the project in a cost-efficient way. 

Cost-efficiency is a crucial factor when it comes to thrive online and gain an edge in the business. We at Seven Bits offer you the most efficient blockchain development solutions that help you boost scalability. 

Hire virtual blockchain developers with Seven Bits

Seven Bits is a leading digital transformation company that offers robust blockchain services. Hire the best virtual blockchain development services to experience better scalability and efficiency. Get in touch with us at to explore more about our virtual blockchain developers and thrive online.