Blockchain technology has become a mainstream technology, with numerous applications beyond cryptocurrency. Blockchain can be used for various business applications, such as payments, supply chain management, digital identity, smart contracts, etc. Leveraging distributed ledger technology, blockchain provides a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof way to store and share data.

Seven Bits has extensive experience in enterprise blockchain solutions and can help your business leverage the power of this game-changing technology. We have a team of experts who are well-versed in blockchain development and can create bespoke solutions that meet your specific business needs. Some of the enterprise blockchain solutions that we offer include:

Experience accurate automation with smart contracts:

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts written in code and stored on the blockchain. They can be used for various business applications, such as payments, supply chain management, digital identity, etc. With smart contracts, you can experience accurate automation as they will execute exactly as programmed without third-party interference.

Leverage asset tokenization:

Asset tokenization is converting real-world assets into digital tokens that can be stored on the blockchain. This can be used for various assets, such as property, art, and more. Tokenization provides a more efficient and secure way to manage ownership and transfer of assets. 

Moreover, our Blockchain Center of Excellence streamlines the overall process and makes it more efficient. As a result, tokenization is among the top use cases of blockchain technology.

Supply chain management:

Supply chain management (SCM) is managing the flow of goods and services from supplier to customer. It includes coordinating and integrating all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management. With our enterprise blockchain solutions, you can streamline your supply chain and make it more efficient. Our team can develop a blockchain-based SCM system that can track the movement of goods from supplier to customer in real-time.

Faster ICO launch:

Initial coin offering (ICO) is a type of crowdfunding that allows startups to raise capital by issuing digital tokens. With our ICO launch services, you can get your ICO up and running in no time. We can help you with all aspects of your ICO, from token creation to marketing. ICO brings several benefits to companies like cost-effective fundraising, global reach, and more. We take care of every aspect of an ICO launch so that you can focus on your business goals. From whitepaper development, and website creation, to innovative contract development, we have got you covered.

We help with business continuity:

Business continuity is the process of creating a plan to ensure that business operations can continue in the event of an unexpected disruption. This can include natural disasters, power outages, data breaches, and more. With our enterprise blockchain solutions, you can create a decentralized backup of your data that is stored on the blockchain. This allows you to have a secure and tamper-proof way to protect your data.

Insure against data breaches:

Data breaches are a growing concern for businesses, leading to the loss of sensitive data, reputational damage, and more. With our enterprise blockchain solutions, you can insure against data breaches by storing your data on the blockchain. In addition, the decentralized nature of the blockchain makes it virtually impossible for hackers to breach.

Launch your own cryptocurrency exchange:

With our cryptocurrency exchange development services, you can launch your own exchange in no time. We have a team of experts who are well-versed in blockchain development and can create a custom exchange that meets your specific business needs. A cryptocurrency exchange allows you to trade digital assets securely and transparently. Moreover, our team also helps you migrate the legacy data to the blockchain.

Maintain compliance:

A variety of industries are adopting blockchain technology due to its transparency and immutability. This makes it ideal for maintaining compliance as all the data is stored on the blockchain. With our enterprise blockchain solutions, you can maintain compliance with ease. We can help you create a compliance-centric system that meets all the regulatory requirements.

Lowering your business operational costs:

Operational costs are the costs incurred by a company to keep its business running. These can include server maintenance costs, supply chain costs, customer support costs, and more. Our enterprise blockchain solutions can lower your operational costs by streamlining and automating your processes. By using the blockchain, you can automate a lot of manual processes that are time-consuming and error-prone. This will not only save you time and money but also improve your overall efficiency.

Get started with Seven Bits!

Seven Bits is your robust enterprise blockchain development company. We have a team of blockchain experts who can help you with all aspects of your enterprise blockchain needs. Contact us at to get started with blockchain development and integrations to scale your business faster.