Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

With the growing digital transformation trend, more industries are shifting towards blockchain development. The concept of decentralization is an attractive selling point for companies to adopt blockchain technology. They envision a decentralized environment where they can securely store data without the threat of a third-party shutting down their operations. As a result, companies are increasing their budgets towards hiring blockchain development teams to build scalable and faster web applications.

However, most companies opt for blockchain development services, which become cumbersome as it is not easy to find experts who know about blockchain. Plus, hiring full-time employees can be very costly for any company.

Virtual developers are a good solution because they offer competitive costs due to their flexible working hours and the option to work from home. In addition, Seven Bits' team of virtual developers can complete your project in less time without compromising quality because we follow the Agile Development Methodology.

On this note, let's look at how our blockchain virtual developers can help you with faster project completion.

Agile approach towards development:

Our blockchain developers follow an agile approach to development. It means we follow a process where the client and the developer effectively communicate throughout the project – from requirements to design, coding and deliverables. In addition, it allows you to give your inputs wherever required, which helps us modify or change some features that are not feasible.

With an agile approach, you will get a working product at the end of the project cycle to test bugs. Then, if any issues are found, they can be fixed before release to your customers.

Saving time and resources by hiring virtual developers:

Our blockchain developers know various programming languages because they are skilled generalists rather than domain-specific experts. It allows them to take on any challenges that may come up during the project cycle.

In a traditional development environment, you will need a full-time team of blockchain developers to complete your project within a set time frame. However, with our virtual developers at Seven Bits, you can save both time and money by hiring one or two people for your project.

Access to the latest technology stack:

With our developers, you will get access to the latest technology stack, where we can upgrade or replace specific tools that will help deliver better results within a given timeline.

We offer more than eight public and private blockchain frameworks for bespoke development. Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, R3 Corda, Bitcoin, and more are critical frameworks. With our modern technology stack, we can help in optimizing project completion with higher agility. So whether you need cryptocurrency exchange development services or smart contract development solutions, we've got you covered.

Offer enhanced project security:

Hacking is one of the growing concerns that can threaten your business. Blockchain virtual developers offer you increased transparency and security with every project because every transaction is permanently documented on a shared ledger.

Our blockchain developers use proven cryptography standards to implement blockchain in your application without any security issues. With our highly experienced team, we ensure that the data stored on the blockchain remains safe and offer real-time insights into various analytics like usage stats, network status updates, and more.

Improved efficiency and speed:

Every activity is recorded on the blockchain, which also includes sending files. With our blockchain virtual developers, you can get your project delivered within a short period because we take care of all updates in real-time.

The traditional development process involves waiting for reviews from various stakeholders, leading to further delays and wastage of resources. However, our agile approach ensures that everyone's opinions and feedback are incorporated at each stage of the project cycle. As a result, it results in faster delivery cycles and more agile projects overall, which leads to better ROI.

Reduced cost:

Our virtual blockchain developers offer you more for less. However, with onshore teams offering the same services, it's often tough on a client's budget, which often leads to compromise with project quality.

With our offshore blockchain development, you will access affordable services offered by highly skilled blockchain developers who handpick people depending on their skill set and experience. So it makes sure that both time and money are saved with every project while delivering top-notch results at all times!

Improved traceability:

Blockchain virtual development also offers improved traceability, which allows you to track your project, check if all the milestones are on time, and ensure that everything is delivered on the correct date.

With blockchain technology, our developers offer data immutability which means no one can change or delete any information stored in it without permission from everyone else who has access to that particular network. It ensures the reduced risk of human error and delivers greater transparency into various business activities.

Get started with Seven Bits virtual Blockchain developers:

Seven Bits is a leading blockchain development company offering you comprehensive decentralized business solutions. We can help you gain a competitive edge with our solutions, including:

Cryptocurrency exchange development:

With our experience of creating multiple cryptocurrency exchange apps, we ensure that your project is delivered on time and within the budget. Our developers follow a strict methodology of creating cryptocurrency exchange apps, starting from understanding your requirements and needs to develop a proof-of-concept (POC).

Token development:

You can create custom tokens on various blockchain protocols with our blockchain developers, including Ethereum and Hyperledger. We follow a multi-step process to develop tokens on the blockchain network of your choice, including white paper development & token functionality development.

Smart contract development:

Our developers have extensive experience in creating smart contracts based on various blockchain protocols. In addition, we follow a white paper development process that ensures proper documentation along with the creation of smart contract templates.

Decentralized application (DApp) development:

We help you develop blockchain app solutions that incorporate the best of both virtual and augmented reality to help your business grow exponentially. We use Proof-of-Concept (POC) methodology that enables you to understand the value that a decentralized app offers and what you stand to gain from it.

Hyperledger development:

Blockchain virtual developers at Seven Bits can help you create a permission-based network using Hyperledger frameworks. We follow a 2-phase development methodology that ensures quality and reduces complexities to the maximum extent.

Get started with Seven Bits today!

Want to know more about our blockchain virtual developers' services? Get in touch with us at to discuss your project today with our blockchain experts.