Automotive: Revolutionizing Automotive Industry: Blockchain Innovations

In today's era, customers are expecting more options to browse online as they interact with businesses for products and services. The OEM industry is still in the process of adopting an eCommerce platform which may turn out to be a key enabler for the expansion of their portfolio beyond traditional sales. 

Digital commerce platforms like nopCommerce enable OEM's to gather deep consumer insights and build long term relationships by direct engagement with customers. It increases their brand reach and helps in enhancing customer service levels and creating a user-friendly experience. 

However, an eCommerce platform does require many considerations which include managing the supply chain, selection of the right platform, solving the complexity of the existing channel, and business growth.

As the majority of the businesses in the industrial space are leaning towards e-commerce applications as a way to grow, effective application of digital commerce can also do wonders when it comes to OEM. 

When a business is capable enough to deliver a buyer-centric and engaging online experience, it grows. As simple as that. Effective eCommerce enables customers to interact with the brand and empowers manufacturers to reduce costs and enhance sales figures. It also improves brand loyalty and customer retention rate.

OEM's can thrive online by reducing costs with Seven Bits in the following ways

  • Ensure a 100% accuracy rate in the least possible time.
  • Deliver specific marketing content to influence the decision-makers by understanding customer needs.
  • Opt for powerful web-based applications to provide a rich customer experience online.
  • Provide user-friendly plugins such as shipping, freight, and easy purchase options to enhance the shopping experience.

By switching and adopting digital B2B and B2C retail businesses, manufacturers can directly target end customers who can be potential buyers. Industry giants can promote their products and increase brand visibility using social media and content marketing. 

As per a recent study, there is a nearly 70% hike in the businesses that have switched to eCommerce. The manufacturing industry is growing rapidly and digitalization is definitely going to be a game-changer in terms of sales and customer experience.

Our team at SevenBits is working in the eCommerce domain for years now and offers highly-personalized solutions to cater to your every requirement. On this note, let’s have a look at what are the key advantages of adopting eCommerce solutions in 2021.

Product Experimenting & Customer Reach

With the help of eCommerce platforms, manufacturers are open to experimenting with new products without staking a huge investment. They can effortlessly manage and offer a variety of products on their new online store.

Ecommerce provides direct access of customers to the manufacturers. They can easily interact with their customers and understand their needs and expectations. Instead of bargaining for profit margins, they can invest their valuable time and money into tuning and sourcing more products.

Global Service Offerings

Being a globally accessible platform, eCommerce platforms like nopCommerce brings more prospects. The larger the area, the more sales possibilities. Manufacturers can offer products into a wide market and reach more customers and hence increasing the potential clientele.

Digital commerce empowers manufacturers to explore and innovate new opportunities. You can have multiple product ideas and act on them. An eCommerce platform allows you to analyze products and procure them over time as per customer needs.

Effective eCommerce enables your company to grow and meet the demands and needs of end-users and customers. You can open and scale new sales channels and reach new markets continuously. This improves your brand reach and fetches new customers.

Robust Functionalities

With robust planning and implementation of ERP and other back-end business functionalities, manufacturers can seamlessly increase the efficiency of their businesses. As customers place their orders online, at any point of time as per their needs, manufacturers can focus on customer services such as transparent shipping, timely deliveries, and a user-friendly experience. 

Rather than just being order takers, manufacturers can improve their services and work on brand value. Ecommerce platforms also eliminate the possibility of errors and increase order delays at peak hours.

Improve Brand Awareness With Seven Bits

Ecommerce contributes to improving the brand awareness of manufacturing units in the marketplace. The fastest way to improve your site's visibility is to have a store that is accessible to all. This helps your target audience to get familiar with your brand and business.

The implementation of eCommerce in OEMs is helping companies to measure and evaluate marketing campaigns, sales figures, product stock, and customer engagement effectively at a single point. You can now use data to make better and clear business decisions that impact the growth and sales of your business. Know more about how SevenBits’ automotive eCommerce development services can help you thrive online. Get in touch with our team at to explore sheer business growth possibilities.