
When it comes to robust and scalable technologies, Microsoft .Net framework is among the most preferred options. Be it migrating a legacy system or creating a full-fledged hybrid application; this framework empowers growth and agility. Using .Net, companies can enhance their enterprise application's performance keeping scalability in mind. 

As we progress towards a more digitized world, security and data privacy have become priorities. Customers demand a secure medium to exchange their data that is transparent and easy to access on the go. Whether you are into insurance, consulting, or finance — you need to ensure that your enterprise application runs and responds faster. 

On this note, let's understand how Microsoft's .Net technology can help you drive better innovation, keeping security and scalability on priority. Whether you are starting or looking for the best technology to migrate the existing application, .Net has got you covered. Seven Bits is a professional .Net development company that lets you thrive online on top-notch app performance and security.

Higher code reusability 

Having development agility in the enterprise application is inevitable as it makes it easier for developers to introduce new features faster. This framework operates on object-oriented programming, which reduces redundant codes and requires less coding for the developers. In addition to this, .NET offers a wide array of reusable code and many reusable components. It turns into less time and consequently less cost to design and develop applications.

At Seven Bits, our professional .Net developers follow an agile approach to improve the code reusability to deliver maximized performance. The primary advantage of code reusability with .Net is uninterrupted consistency. Developers have a strong command and control over scalability that brings in a more consistent user experience. 

Quick deployment support

When it comes to faster deployment and debugging of enterprise applications, .Net offers seamless performance. This development platform provides unique features that make the entire deployment faster and easier to manage. Some of the key segments like private components, side-by-side versioning, controlled code sharing, and partially trusted code accelerate the deployment process. 

Along with this, Microsoft .Net platform's code execution environment supports a safe code compilation to reduce conflicts throughout the deployment. With the support of these features, developers can quickly mitigate performance issues and ensure stability. Our developers can accelerate the overall application's performance by handling the problems of scripted or interpreted environments. Be it building an enterprise application from scratch or migrating it from a different platform; the deployment is much faster. 

Reliability means performance 

Microsoft's development frameworks are highly stable, and they are known for unparalleled reliability. As the company pushes frequent updates and security patch releases, you don't have to worry about your enterprise application's dependability. It often happens that the application becomes sluggish or unresponsive when it's scaled for a large user base. Thus, businesses need their enterprise application to be reliable and performance-oriented while scaling it. 

Our Microsoft .Net developers understand your project and the business to ensure you get the maximum usability & performance. From ideation to prototyping and main application release — you experience seamless reliability with us. 

Omnichannel security

Security is a significant aspect of an enterprise application and its top-notch performance. This platform brings in improved security as a web application that is designed and developed using ASP. NET has Windows confirmation and configuration. Other features like managed code and CLR (Common Language Runtime) offer security features such as code access security and role-based security. 

Whether you are working with your in-house developers or hiring our .Net virtual developers, you can expect seamless security in your enterprise application. Rolling out new security patches from Microsoft is faster than other technology and makes your app much more performance-driven. 

Wider integration

If your business application demands integration with multiple third-party services and APIs, then .Net brings in an easier way. It's known for its ability to integrate third-party services and accelerate the overall performance seamlessly. With this platform, you can develop your application and run it across multiple platforms including, desktop and mobile devices. In addition, this development platform is language-independent, which brings in the freedom to make your application open for quick integrations. 

In addition to this, it's possible to integrate your newly built .Net application with the existing legacy system and take full advantage of your ecosystem. 

Get started with enterprise application development

Seven Bits is a leading .Net development company, and we meet your business requirements with perfection. Offer an unparalleled experience to your customers with our enterprise application development services. Get in touch with us at to know more about our services.