
With the ever-evolving business ecosystem, it’s now more important than ever for businesses to undergo digital transformation. By definition, digital transformation is using technology to create new or improved business processes, products, or services. In other words, it’s about using technology to grow and scale your business.

There are many aspects to consider when undergoing digital transformation, which is why many businesses partner with a digital transformation consultant. A digital transformation consultant can help you assess your business’s current state, identify areas of opportunity, and create a roadmap for success.

Benefits of Digital Transformation Consulting:

Expertise and Objectivity

Digital transformation is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of technology and business. A digital transformation consultant brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, which can be extremely valuable for businesses undergoing this process. In addition, consultants are objective third parties that can provide an unbiased perspective on your business’s digital transformation journey.

As mentioned, digital transformation is complex – there are many moving parts, and it cannot be easy to know where to start. A digital transformation consultant can help you create a roadmap that outlines the steps you need to take to reach your desired outcome. This roadmap will serve as a valuable guide throughout your digital transformation journey.


Working with a digital transformation consultant is often more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee with the same skillset. This is because you only pay for the consultant’s time and expertise when needed, rather than incurring the costs of a full-time salary and benefits. In addition, a consultant can help you avoid costly mistakes that could set your digital transformation efforts back.

Moreover, digital transformation consulting can help you streamline your processes and optimize your use of technology. This, in turn, can lead to increased efficiency and productivity within your business. By working with a consultant, you can identify areas of opportunity and implement the necessary changes to improve your overall efficiency.

Increased ROI

Digital transformation can be a costly undertaking, so it’s essential to ensure that you see a return on your investment (ROI). A digital transformation consultant can help you measure your ROI and make adjustments to your plan as needed to ensure that you are getting the most out of your investment.

In addition, a digital transformation consultant can help you create and implement strategies that will maximize your ROI. By working with a consultant, you can ensure that your digital transformation efforts are aligned with your business goals and that you are taking the necessary steps to achieve success.

Improved Customer Experience

A digital transformation consultant can help you improve your customer experience (CX). In today’s competitive landscape, CX is more important than ever before. In fact, 86% of customers say they are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.

A digital transformation consultant can help you assess your current CX and identify areas for improvement. In addition, a consultant can help you create and implement strategies to improve your CX. Working with a digital transformation consultant ensures that your customers have a positive experience with your brand at every touchpoint.

Legacy System Migration

If your business uses legacy systems, a digital transformation consultant can help you migrate to new, modern platforms. However, legacy systems can be inflexible and difficult to work with, which can hamper your ability to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. A digital transformation consultant can help you assess your legacy systems and develop a plan for migrating to new platforms.

In addition, a digital transformation consultant can help you manage the risks associated with a legacy system migration. By working with a consultant, you can minimize disruptions to your business and ensure a smooth transition to new systems.

Improving Employees’ Productivity With Technology

Digital transformation can help you improve your employees’ productivity with the use of technology. A digital transformation consultant can help you assess your current employee productivity and identify areas for improvement. In addition, a consultant can help you create and implement strategies to improve employee productivity. By working with a digital transformation consultant, you can ensure that your employees are able to work more efficiently and effectively.

A digital transformation consultant can also help you select and implement the right technology solutions for your business. By working with a consultant, you can ensure that you are using the best technology to improve your employees’ productivity.

Get started with Seven Bits!

Seven Bits is a leader when it comes to digital transformation consulting and can help you make your business future-oriented. Get in touch with us at to find out how we can help your business grow and thrive on success. Get ahead of the curve with the right and result-driven digital transformation consulting.