
Post-COVID, the entire healthcare system has changed. The way we see it, there are three different types of changes. First is the change in patient expectations, which has been well-documented. Patients now expect more access to their own data, more transparency around costs, and more personalized service.

The second set of changes is around how care is delivered. With the rise of telehealth, we are seeing a shift from in-person to virtual care. It is particularly true for primary and chronic care and mental health and addiction services.

The third set of changes is around the business of healthcare. With the move to value-based care, provider organizations feel pressure to lower costs and improve outcomes. Yet, at the same time, they are also trying to figure out how to do more with less, as the pandemic has led to a decrease in patient volume.

Digital transformation can help healthcare organizations meet all of these challenges. By definition, digital transformation is the process of using technology to create new or improved business processes. In the context of healthcare, this could mean anything from moving from paper to electronic medical records to using data analytics to improve clinical decision-making. Before we dive into how digital transformation can help healthcare industries, let’s first look into its importance.

Why is digital transformation necessary in the healthcare industry?

There are a few reasons why digital transformation is so significant in healthcare. First, as we mentioned before, patient expectations have changed. They now expect to be able to access their own health data, schedule appointments online, and have a more personalized experience. If healthcare organizations want to meet these expectations, they need to be able to offer digital services.

Second, the way care is delivered changes. For example, with the rise of telehealth, more and more care is happening virtually. It means that healthcare organizations need to be able to provide digital services to meet patient needs.

Finally, the business of healthcare is changing. With the move to value-based care, provider organizations are under pressure to lower costs and improve outcomes. Digital transformation can help with both of these goals. For example, healthcare organizations can save on costs by moving to electronic medical records.

How digital transformation helps healthcare businesses?

There are several ways a digital transformation company can help healthcare businesses gain an edge and redefine their complex processes.

Streamline complex processes:

The first way digital transformation can help is by streamlining complex processes. Healthcare is a tough industry, with many different stakeholders and touchpoints. It can make it challenging to get things done quickly and efficiently.

A digital transformation company can help by streamlining processes and creating a more seamless experience for all stakeholders. For example, they can help create a single patient record that can be accessed by all providers, regardless of location. It would make it easier for providers to coordinate care and ensure that patients are getting the best possible care.

Use data to improve decision-making:

Another way digital transformation can help healthcare businesses is by using data to improve decision-making. Healthcare organizations generate a lot of data but often struggle to use it.

A digital transformation company can help by using data analytics to improve clinical decision-making. For example, they could use data from electronic medical records to identify effective patient care. This would allow healthcare organizations to make more informed decisions about how to take the best care of their patients.

On the other hand, patients can use their data to make more informed decisions about their health. For example, they could use data to track their progress and see how different treatments work for them. This would empower patients to take more control of their health and make better decisions about their care.

Improve patient engagement:

Digital transformation can help improve patient engagement. Healthcare organizations often struggle to engage with their patients, especially those who are chronic or complex. A digital transformation company can help by creating a more engaging experience for patients. For example, they could make a patient portal that gives patients easy access to their health data.

They could also use data analytics to identify which patients are at risk of disengaging and develop targeted interventions. When healthcare institutes offer an engaging patient engagement, patients are more likely to stay with their care plan, improving outcomes.

Intact data security:

Digital transformation can help healthcare businesses by ensuring data security. Data security is a significant concern for healthcare organizations, as they hold sensitive patient data. A digital transformation company can help by developing security protocols and ensuring that data is encrypted.

When patients have complete control over their data, they are more likely to trust the healthcare organization with their care. As a result, it can lead to better patient outcomes and a more positive relationship between the patient and the provider. Moreover, it can also help healthcare organizations avoid data breaches, which can be costly and reputationally damaging.

Entire process transparency:

A digital transformation company can help healthcare businesses make the entire process transparent. Healthcare organizations often have complex processes that are difficult to understand. It can make it hard for patients to know what is happening with their care.

A digital transformation company can help by creating a system that is easy to use and provides transparency into the process. For example, they could make a patient portal that gives patients access to their health data. This would allow patients to see what is happening with their care and ensure that they are getting the best possible care.

Improved treatment standards:

Digital transformation can help improve treatment standards. Healthcare organizations often have to meet strict regulations and standards. A digital transformation company can help by developing systems that meet these standards. For example, they could create a system that tracks patients’ progress and identifies potential problems. This would allow healthcare organizations to provide the best possible care for their patients.

Using blockchain smart contracts, healthcare institutes can ensure that all the stakeholders in the process follow the protocol. This will help to ensure that patients receive the best possible care.

Accurate compliance following:

Digital transformation can help healthcare businesses by ensuring compliance. For example, healthcare organizations often have to comply with various regulations. A digital transformation company can help by developing systems that meet these regulations. For instance, they could create a system that tracks patients’ progress and identifies potential problems. It would allow healthcare organizations to avoid potential fines and provide the best possible care for their patients.

In short, healthcare digital transformation companies help your business scale by developing systems that improve patient engagement, data security, process transparency, treatment standards, and compliance. As a result, when you work with a digital transformation company, you can be sure that your healthcare business is getting the best possible care for your patients.

Get started with Seven Bits:

Seven Bits is a leading digital transformation company that offers a wide range of services to help healthcare businesses scale. We can help you develop a system that meets your specific needs and enables you to improve patient care. From legacy migration to developing new techniques, we have the experience and expertise to help you succeed.

We help healthcare businesses uncover their true potential and drive digital transformation. We work with you to understand your specific needs and develop a custom solution that enables you to improve patient care. Get in touch with us at to know more about healthcare digital transformation services.