Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

As we move towards digital transformation and Industry 4.0 advancements, the advancement of blockchain is going mainstream. The innovations are endless, from migrating the legacy system into a blockchain-based database to smart contracts, NFTs, and crypto exchanges.

With rapid growth and due to a sudden impact of the pandemic, the way customers use to perform transactions is changing drastically. As decentralized cryptocurrencies are growing, more individuals now prefer to pay using these new crypto options. This trend is just the beginning of a whole new paradigm shift here to stay in 2021 and beyond. 

Businesses across any industry can take advantage of this DeFi trend and grow both sales and scalability without significant investment. Company owners can outperform their competitors and onboard new customers by integrating a full-fledged crypto wallet system for their customers. This add-on to the existing payment system opens up several opportunities for companies doing business online. 

No third-party dependencies 

Traditional payment systems come with several third-party dependencies. As the business grows, the dependencies and the overhead also grow. For overcoming this challenge, companies can integrate a blockchain-based crypto wallet to establish an end-to-end connection among the customers and business partners. 

As crypto wallets are fully encrypted and end-to-end, companies can eliminate third-party services and save substantial capital. Another significant benefit of having a custom decentralized wallet is intact security and data privacy at every touchpoint. Customers can retain their privacy by making anonymous payments, and businesses can save a lot of money by mitigating transaction charges. 

Much faster performance

In today's competitive era, where speed has become the new currency, companies need to pace up their systems to serve their customers faster and efficiently. For accelerating the payment ecosystem, companies can leverage the combination of smart contracts and crypto-wallets. 

Using smart contracts, companies can perform tedious payment verification tasks in an automated manner. Along with this, business owners can offer a cutting-edge transaction speed to their partners, vendors, supply chains, and customers using a custom crypto wallet. Compared to traditional methods, these distributed ledger-based systems don't require excessive documentation to process the payments. 

Greater business control

Having greater control over both internal and external business operations is imperative for owners. For protecting sensitive business data, financial information, and individuals' data, blockchain is acting as a boon. 

Most businesses leverage smart contracts, blockchain-based databases to secure their core operations. However, it's easier to take the control one level higher by integrating crypto wallets with the traditional payment options. Business authorities can expand their operations overseas in a much-controlled manner by using crypto wallets as they don't require intricate formalities like the fiat system. 

Future of cryptocurrency wallets across industries

Popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoins and Ethereum, are dominating the DeFi market, and more customers will start using these crypto coins. As the ROI and liquidity are much higher than fiat currencies, they become a safe investment haven for individuals. In 2020 and beyond, companies will experience a massive surge in this trend.

It is the right time for small and large-sized companies to adopt cryptocurrencies and grow their customer base. Business owners should integrate their conventional payment systems with a bespoke-made crypto wallet to take a step towards the future. 

Get started with SevenBits

SevenBits is an innovative and pioneer blockchain development company that brings in full-fledged development services. Our Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) team understands your business requirements, drafts a custom solution to make you succeed online. We are equipped with multiple private and public blockchain frameworks to meet your every business goal with efficiency. Learn more about how a crypto wallet can help your business grow from the SevenBits team. Get in touch with us at to explore opportunities.