Post-COVID, the healthcare industry has become more vigilant about the importance of digital transformation. The outbreak of COVID-19 has acted as a catalyst for the healthcare industry to transform digitally. The pandemic has disrupted traditional working methods and highlighted how vulnerable the sector is to external shocks. 

In response, healthcare organizations have turned to digital solutions to help them manage operational processes more effectively, improve patient outcomes and drive down costs.

Digital transformation in healthcare can be defined as using technology to improve the quality of care while reducing costs. It involves adopting new technologies such as electronic health records (EHRs), telehealth, and cloud-based solutions.

Healthcare digital transformation companies can help organizations in the healthcare industry to make the shift to a digital way of working. These companies offer various services, including digital strategy development, change management, and technology implementation.

Robust solutions of healthcare digital transformation companies

Digital transformation companies like Seven Bits can help your healthcare businesses in multiple ways, including:

Encrypting patients' sensitive data:

Seven Bits uses encryption methods to keep patients' data safe and secure. They also offer a platform that allows healthcare organizations to share data securely between different departments and with third-party partners. As the database is built over blockchain, the data is immutable, and hackers cannot tamper with it. Moreover, patients have better control over their data as they can decide who gets to access it and for how long.

Supply chain management

Another way in which digital transformation companies can help healthcare organizations is by streamlining their supply chain management processes. Seven Bits use blockchain to track the movement of goods and ensure that they are delivered on time. As a result, it helps to reduce resource wastage and improve the efficiency of the supply chain.

Moreover, Seven Bits' inventory management solution helps healthcare organizations track the stock of medicines and other medical supplies. It ensures that the right products are available at the right time and in quantity.

Appointment management

Seven Bits' appointment management solution helps healthcare organizations to manage appointments more effectively. It enables patients to book appointments online and keeps track of the appointment schedule. It helps to reduce waiting times and improve the overall patient experience. Our blockchain-based solution also allows patients to pay for their appointments online.

Medical billing and claims management

Seven Bits' medical billing and claims management solution helps healthcare organizations to streamline their billing and claims processes. Using smart contracts, our solution automates the claims process and eliminates the need for manual intervention. This helps to reduce errors and improve the accuracy of claims.

Moreover, our solution allows patients to make online payments for their medical bills. This helps to reduce the administrative burden on healthcare organizations. Leveraging smart contacts, healthcare organizations can have a better and glitch-free track of records and manage their finances in a better way. 

Robust authentication of all participants

Seven Bits' authentication solution ensures that only authorized participants can access the data. It helps to improve data security and prevent unauthorized access. In addition, our authentication solution uses biometrics to verify the identity of users. This makes it impossible for hackers to gain access to the data.

In addition, our fraud detection and prevention solution helps healthcare organizations to identify and prevent fraud. Our machine learning-based solution analyzes data to detect patterns of fraud. This helps reduce the chances of fraud and improves the organization's overall security.

Get started with Seven Bits

Seven Bits is among the best and top healthcare digital transformation companies helping different healthcare organizations in digitizing their businesses. We offer a range of services, including digital strategy development, change management, and technology implementation. Our team of experts has extensive experience in the healthcare industry and can help you to achieve your digital transformation goals.

Our digital transformation team understands your business needs and develops a customized solution that meets your specific requirements. We also offer comprehensive consultation to help you understand the benefits of digital transformation. Overall, the Seven Bits team enables you to mitigate risks and maximize opportunities during your digital transformation journey.

Wrapping up!

Digital transformation is crucial for the healthcare industry to improve the quality of care while reducing costs. Healthcare digital transformation companies can help organizations in the healthcare industry to make the shift to a digital way of working. These companies offer various services, including digital strategy development, change management, and technology implementation. 

Seven Bits is a leading digital transformation company that offers a range of solutions to healthcare organizations, including data encryption, supply chain management, appointment management, medical billing, and claims management. Our blockchain-based solutions help healthcare organizations to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and provide a better experience to patients. Contact us at to learn more about our digital transformation services.