Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

The impact of Blockchain technology is taking industries from finance to agriculture to the next level. Small and large businesses are now embracing the advantages and possibilities of blockchain technology. They are moving onto the integration of this technology into their operations to make them faster and secure.

Blockchain technology is significantly impacting the marketing, legal, payments, and transactions of many businesses. A blockchain is a peer-to-peer network of nodes, and every node can access and edit the transfers and updations. Blockchain generates a trustworthy platform as every transfer is recorded on the users' node. Several copies of the same ledger are generated, and that makes blockchain technology so valuable.

Blockchain technology can remove the need for the centralized third party and improve the efficiency, reliability, and security of the business. A public ledger is created that can be accessed and recorded by all the participants. It provides an enhanced level of security for every business. 

How blockchain technology advances a company's transaction security

Blockchain allows ledger to be publicly accessible, which makes the transactions more transparent. This public nature allows complete monitoring of money transfers by all the parties providing a safe, secure, and trustworthy platform that can't be altered.

Our experts at SevenBits can help companies develop secure blockchain-wallets that executives can use to perform B2B and B2C data & payment transactions. First, companies can secure their business-sensitive information leveraging smart contracts. Once both ends validate the documentation, parties can transfer funds in their bespoke-made wallets.

With blockchain, as there is no centralized and third-party monitoring body present, companies can save a lot of money in transaction charges. 

Transferring money through blockchain is the new paradigm shift that is going mainstream rapidly. To help you take an edge in the competitive market, we at SevenBits bring in a full-range of blockchain-based payment services to streamline complex processes. 

Why Businesses Should Start Using Blockchain

Payments in blockchain are tracked and reconciled automatically to its respective blocks. Small businesses can get numerous benefits like faster processing and lower costs with the blockchain network. The information between different blockchain blocks is synched in real-time hence eliminating human intervention in verifying the transactions.

Blockchain also provides smart contracts to automate transfers without needing manual input. It also provides an extra level of security to protect transfers. Smart contracts limit possible errors in communication through automatic accuracy and reducing the risk of mishandling.

If a business owner wants to expand their business across countries, then blockchain can give them an edge compared to traditional methods. Along with business documentation leveraging smart contracts, the transaction process can be made seamless. 

Using the peer-to-peer network, companies can eliminate the transaction verification delays and securely receive payments. Malta, Canada, and many Europe-region countries have already started integrating blockchain-based payments to better customer experience.  

How SevenBits Can Help Companies With Blockchain

SevenBits is an innovative and full-fledged blockchain development company that leverages more than eight public and private blockchain technologies. We can help you establish your own peer-to-peer blockchain-based secure wallets and custom smart contracts for business transactions.

Expand your business in a hassle-free and secure manner leveraging future-focused blockchain technologies. Our Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) helps you migrate your old legacy systems to modern blockchain architecture. 

After the COVID-19 impact, a substantial number of people have shifted to digitized finance, and blockchain can help you improve their overall experience. With robust blockchain integration, you are offering more secure ways of doing business to your customers. 

It will help enhance customer experience at multiple touchpoints and help companies leap their competitors. To minimize the outbreak's impact and offer better facilities to people, technologies like blockchain will help in getting a powerful bounce-back.

Learn more about how SevenBits can help you secure your company's payment operations and improve customer experience. Get in touch with us at to explore growth opportunities.