Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

Blockchain technology is growing regardless of industries as both business and customer demands are getting more complex. With ever-evolving digital trends, a business owner needs to keep a check on the 'digital fitness' of the organization to thrive online. 

As the wave of digital transformation is rising higher, blockchain technology is helping organizations in streamlining their processes. With keen advantages like secure data transactions and top-notch performance, blockchain is accelerating digital growth. SevenBits is an innovative company and we help businesses expand their operations efficiently faster through this decentralized technology.

Standardized payment channels 

In countries like Switzerland, Malta, and Australia where the government is encouraging companies to integrate decentralized systems; this technology is going to be the next paradigm shift. With a high level of trust in P2P transactions without the requirement for a middle man to monitor the transaction, the network becomes more secure. 

SevenBits offers a dedicated Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) model to help you grow at scale leveraging blockchain technology. With our CoE model, right from market research to planning and execution, we have got you covered with high-performance results.

The value of this technology is soaring to 39.7 billion by 2025 and this is the right time to integrate these decentralized systems. Be it offering a custom cryptocurrency wallet for your customers or establishing secure B2B payment channels, this is the future of transactions. Blockchain establishes trust and security among business partners and consumers in the anonymous world of hyper-digital connectivity.

Blockchain for accelerating processes

In digital transformation, agility is one of the important parts that sets you aside from the competition. Complex business processes that encrypt and transfer data in a blockchain channel offer a remarkably high hierarchy of security.

Leveraging this, organizations have the opportunity to implement fully automated business processes execution for certain tasks. This process is not only stable and secure, but it is also very fast. There are several processes that are dependent on human intervention. In digital transformation, those processes can be analyzed and integrated with artificial intelligence-based platforms to reduce manual work. 

For achieving higher agility in this fast-paced digital ecosystem, this tech implementation can help your company. Scale your business processes faster and reach more customers by simplifying the complex business operations with this distributed ledger. Digital transformation (DT) unlocks a greater scope of exponential growth and SevenBits is here to kickstart your digital journey.

It's a boon for the supply-chain industry

The supply chain industry is among the most convoluted businesses across the globe. Regardless of what industry, this process requires extensive support of digital transformation to run it smoothly and in a frictionless manner.  

The blockchain is becoming an imperative building block that could prove to be one of the paradigm shifters when it comes to establishing yourself apart from the competition in the forthcoming years. With this platform, the entire data architecture can be shifted from a centralized approach to a distributed web. The advantages of distributed data centers are improved performance, less technical glitch chances, and all-time availability.  

The supply chain industry worldwide will grow to $8.8 billion by 2025 and this is the perfect time frame to integrate these advanced tech platforms to ease the business. Switzerland is one of the early adopters of this decentralized system and several companies are already generating higher revenue from it.  

The decentralized character of this modern chain creates the highest transparency at all steps in the supply chain business. Even if you are running an interconnected worldwide supply chain network, SevenBits can help in improving the efficiency that leads to successful digital transformation.

Robust change in communication infrastructure

Digital transformation is reconstructing the communication foundation in organizations. This hyper-connected Internet ecosystem has all kinds of devices, machine-to-machine communication systems, and industrial cloud-based services. To make the entire internal and external communication more efficient, blockchain plays an important role.

With hybrid blockchain platforms, companies can establish two different communication architectures— one for internal teams and another one for customers. By doing this, it will reduce complexity by a significant extent.

The continually expanding levels of connectivity, also pose organizations with ever-growing handling and performance challenges when it comes to managing the business-sensitive data. New blockchain platforms, which work on a P2P architecture are able to transparently and securely handle the large amount of data created in the business methods of digital transformation.

We at SevenBits offer extensive decentralized systems integrated with the forefront of mobile applications. This will not only let you offer an omnichannel experience but will also reduce the recurring maintenance charges. 

DeFi is the future of digital transformation

Decentralized Finance or DeFi is the bright future of digital transformation which will make companies thrive online. As more customers are shifting from physical fiat currency to cryptocurrencies and digital transactions, blockchain can help skyrocket your company's financial architecture.

By establishing an end-to-end network, you can eliminate the third-party transaction charges and service fees permanently. This will not only help you serve your customers better but also strengthen the digital transformation foundation of the organization. 

Along with this, smart contracts are a pivotal part of this ecosystem for a while now and various industries like Fintech and Insurance are adopting it rapidly. In order to eliminate counterfeit data alterations and invoicing; smart contracts integration is the only way to establish a transparent process.  

Blockchain-based smart contracts not only facilitate the reliable storage of data, but they can also automatically change and save the data in an accurate and transparent manner. It will remove the unnecessary human intervention that leads to fatal errors. 

The ecosystem of blockchain is expansive and to take a leap in the digital world, it becomes significant to leverage these decentralized technologies. It will not only help you establish higher RoI digital transformation but also aid you in gaining and retaining customers. SevenBits is a full-service blockchain development company that helps you grow fast and scale faster. Want to know more about SevenBits' services? Get in touch with us at and our team will get you going.