Automotive: Revolutionizing Automotive Industry: Blockchain Innovations

The automotive industry is among the most complex and challenging domains, and there is a constant need for better innovations and advancements. With the evolution of Industry 4.0 and ever-growing customers' demands, automotive business owners need the strong support of capable and result-driven technologies. 

After the COVID-19, where companies are forced to work with limited manpower and resources, automation has become critical. For making the business future-proof for tomorrow, today is the right time to adopt, execute, and scale with modern tech advancements.

To cater to the automotive industry's complex requirements, technologies like blockchain are planning a transformational role. On this note, let's look at robust blockchain implementations that can help automotive business owners future-proof their growth.

Seamless & cost-effective payment structure

Blockchain is a peer-to-peer architecture, and it makes the payment truly seamless across channels. Be it B2C or B2B transactions, companies can eliminate third-party payment dependencies and establish their payment systems. It will make the business future-proof as it will allow the business owners to perform transactions across the globe at minimum transaction fees. 

SevenBits brings in vital blockchain-based wallet development services to streamline your existing complex payment system. Whether you are doing regional business or catering to international customers, this distributed ledger-based payment system helps you scale faster. 

Robust Authentication

The automotive industry is complex, and a substantial level of authentication is required at every hierarchical level of the operations. Be it customer on-boarding, ownership transfer, business procurements, supply chain, or marketing — documentation is present at every level. Blockchain technology can automate the document authentication process and save both time and resources.

With the use of custom smart contracts at every required touchpoint, business owners can automate the verification process. Along with accurate & error-less authentication, it will also save the organization's cost in training programs for new team members. SevenBits Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) team analyzes, drafts, and implements custom smart contrast to ensure full functioning without delay. 

Top-notch omnichannel security

To make business future-proof, the owner needs to work on the overall security framework keenly. With rapid digitization, cyber threats are also growing at the same pace. For having protection from the ongoing attacks, blockchain-based data architecture can play a winning role. By migrating the legacy data architecture to a full-fledged blockchain-based cloud database, companies can enhance overall security. 

SevenBits brings in support for more than seven public and private blockchain technologies, including Bitcoin, EOS, Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and IBM Blockchain. We can help you with robust protection by providing omnichannel security solutions. 

Better supply chain management

The automotive supply chain gets complex as business grows over time as more customers and partners join. A multifaceted and constantly growing supply chain involves various challenges and improvisations. To make the supply chain future-proof, companies need a complete transformation to push more power for better performance. 

With blockchain enablement, automotive owners can have more firm control over multiple operations. Be it procurement, invoicing, real-time tracking, or process optimization— blockchain handles everything. With most functions being automated and secure, it becomes easier to add more partners to the chain and scale it. 

Simplify contractual processes

There is a considerable scope of improvement in the contract-based operations in the automotive industry. Be it an OEM, a renting company, or an automotive procurement agency— simplifying contract operations is necessary. A company can only go future-ready once they have streamlined their contractual processes across all the touchpoints.

For simplifying complex operations, blockchain technology can play a significant role and help companies boost their profitability. The integration of smart contracts and payment wallets makes it more comfortable to transform the manual contractual processes into an automated solution. With digitization, customers also seek better automated solutions, and blockchain can help companies in improving the user experience. Modern blockchain applications will help automotive individuals to improve their customer retention rate. 

Why Seven Bits for automotive blockchain services:

SevenBits is an innovative digital transformation company, and we have been offering complete blockchain services for years. Be it public or private blockchain frameworks; our team has got you covered for every bespoke requirement. Whether you are an OEM, a parts dealer, or a supply-chain partner, blockchain is the paving path towards future-proof growth. Want to know more about SevenBits' blockchain development services? Get in touch with us at to explore more opportunities.