Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

The landscape of customer engagement in digital retail is undergoing a significant transformation, with a distinct shift toward digital disruption in the realm of payments. Mobile wallets and cryptocurrency wallets have evolved from being mere novelties to daily essentials. This shift not only elevates the overall customer experience but also provides business owners with a substantial market advantage.

At the forefront of this digital evolution is Seven Bits, an innovative and forward-thinking digital transformation company specializing in fulfilling all your cryptocurrency wallet development needs.

Cryptocurrency Wallet Development

Our blockchain development team understands your business needs and develops cutting-edge bitcoin and other cryptocurrency wallets for your customers. Right from public & private key management to channeling the exchange platform access and automated payment applications, you can expand your business most seamlessly with us.

The most significant advantage of having your wallet is higher transparency, which develops greater trust with your customers. Regardless of industries, having a DeFi-based payment option will make your business future-ready for upcoming tech disruptions. We bring an expansive range of public and private blockchain technology to ensure the best integration for your business.

DeFi Integrations With Existing Systems

Expand your business with more confidence leveraging the modern blockchain-based wallet with your existing payment systems. Be it providing an omnichannel experience of web or mobile; we help you integrate these decentralized systems with your current payment platforms. 

Our team integrates the existing third-party POS platforms with your newly built crypto wallets. We use robust and scalable blockchain technologies like Hyperledger Fabric, IBM Blockchain, R3 Corda, and Ripple to ensure the highest performance throughout the customer lifecycle. DeFi is the future of seamless transactions, and our teams suggest the best strategy to improve your business without disrupting other essential operations.

Bespoke Mobile Wallet Development

For a growing business, having a robust IAM (Identity and Access Management) becomes crucial to maintain multi-level integrity. Identity management is not limited to access and permissions; it goes beyond payments and wallets. Sevenbits' team brings a wide array of custom wallet development services to cater to your every bespoke requirement.

From loyalty card development to digital identity management and virtual driver wallet identification for supply and chain business, we help you scale your business. Secure your place by implementing advanced-level fraud detection and prevention layers to your custom wallet. Have better control over the sizeable operational chain with our peer-to-peer blockchain development.

Wallets for B2B and B2C Business Owners

Take your B2B and B2C finance associations one level higher with our business-focused blockchain-based wallet development services. We help you reduce the error-prone human intervention in the extensive business process by integrating smart contracts and establishing contract autonomy. 

We provide a full-fledged secure ecosystem for merchants from automated invoicing management to managing the allowance and reimbursements. Deliver more value-driven services to your customers and clients with easy to operate smart contracts. 

The most significant advantage of having a wallet for managing your organization's finances is higher cost optimization by mitigating third-party tools' involvement. It helps in establishing higher trust among your customers and partner ecosystem.

Hybrid Mobile Wallet Development

For establishing higher scalability in the business to cater to a broad set of customers, having a one for all solution is essential. Sevenbits is a leading blockchain development company that offers full hybrid crypto wallet services to serve Android and iOS consumers. 

We leverage technology like Flutter with advanced blockchain applications to develop a custom hybrid mobile wallet that lets you manage your business efficiently. Let your customers interact more with your services through an engaging and seamless mobile experience. 

As we move towards a broader spectrum of digital transformation, having a custom wallet becomes pivotal for improving the overall customer experience. It not only helps in uplifting existing customers' interaction with your brand but also prepares you for the customers of tomorrow. Want to know more about blockchain-based crypto wallet development services? Get in touch with us at, and our team will be happier to guide you through.