Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

The work culture is undergoing a massive paradigm shift, and people are looking for more lucrative and advanced ways to shape their careers. People might stop working for companies or corporate sectors in the future. Instead of working for a conventional company, individuals can work in a way where they can take voluntary actions. These actions may include creating NFTs, sharing learning skills, gaming, investing, etc.

In this decentralized work model, people will become self-sustainable by making a permanent shift in their work model. They can earn a living by themselves without being controlled by an organization or an institute. These working ecosystems are only possible to develop on the blockchain, where every action is transparent. 

This type of self-sustainable work environment allows individuals to gain an edge in their careers. They can jump beyond the traditional model of "work-to-earn". The future work ecosystem will generate active incomes through an individual's voluntary actions and contributions. Common examples of these activities include social influencers earning by contributing to a network. In addition, players earn by performing live streams of their gaming sessions. The possibilities are endless in this decentralized work ecosystem.

For making these things mainstream, we will need Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO). These DAOs will coordinate and manage all the actions of individuals and bring several opportunities to earn and scale their careers. A decentralized autonomous organization is an advanced system based on blockchain technology, working on smart contracts.

What are DAOs? 

A DAO is a digital entity that cooperates, manages, and executes tasks through the interactions of smart contracts. It is an organization that is not based on any physical structure or any legal framework. Instead, it functions digitally on a decentralized network where every individual can participate.

DAOs are transparent as all the actions and data are stored on a public ledger (blockchain). Every transaction in a DAO is immutable, which means it cannot be altered or tampered with. Its community members decide the rules and regulations of a DAO through a voting process. Once the majority agrees upon something, it becomes final, and no one can change it.

The working model of a DAO is very similar to a traditional company. It has shareholders, managers, executives, and workers. But the significant difference lies in the fact that there is no centralized authority in a DAO. Instead, every function is carried out by smart contracts, which the community members execute.

How Do DAOs Work? 

As mentioned earlier, DAOs are based on blockchain technology, and they use smart contracts for their functioning. A smart contract is a digital contract that can be used to exchange anything of value. These contracts are stored on a public ledger, and they cannot be altered or tampered with.

DAOs use these smart contracts for every transaction within the organization. For instance, if someone wants to invest in a DAO, they will have to sign a smart contract. This contract will state the terms and conditions of the investment, and it will be stored on the blockchain. Once the transaction is complete, it cannot be altered or reversed.

Similarly, all the other transactions in a DAO are also carried out through smart contracts. It includes payments, transfers, voting, etc. All these transactions are stored on a public ledger which makes them transparent and immutable.

DAOs are managed by the community members who have a stake in them. These members can be anyone from anywhere in the world. The only requirement is that they should have a digital identity and an Internet connection. The management of DAOs is done through a process of voting. Every member has a say in the decision-making process, and they can vote on the proposals put forward by the other members.

Robust benefits of DAO?

Following are the robust benefits of DAO that will bring in a massive transformation across working professionals of different industries:

Trustless ecosystem:

In a DAO, there is no need to trust any central authority as all the transactions are carried out through smart contracts. These contracts are stored on a public ledger, making them transparent and immutable. This creates a trustless ecosystem where everyone can participate without worrying about being cheated or scammed.

Global participation:

DAOs are not based on any physical structure or legal framework. They are digital organizations that anyone from anywhere in the world can participate in. All you need is a digital identity and an Internet connection. This allows people from different parts of the world to come together and work towards a common goal.

Lower barriers to entry:

There are no barriers to entry in a DAO. Anyone with an Internet connection can take part in it. This makes it easy for new members to join the organization and contribute to its growth.

Decentralized decision-making:

DAOs use a process of voting for decision-making. This means that every member has a say in the decisions made. It is a much fairer system than the traditional hierarchical structure, where a few people at the top make all the decisions.

Autonomous operations:

DAOs are autonomous organizations that can operate without any central authority. It makes them very efficient as there is no need for intermediaries.

In addition, DAOs are based on blockchain technology, making them secure and safe from hacks and attacks. All the data is stored on a public ledger, making it difficult for anyone to tamper with it.

No shut down:

Any government or organization cannot shut down DAOs as they are decentralized. It makes them very resistant to censorship. DAOs have a much-improved governance structure as compared to traditional organizations. It is because of the decentralized decision-making process which gives every member an equal say.

Core contributors to DAO


The work-to-earn model is the most commonly used model for DAOs. In this model, the members must contribute their time and skills to earn tokens.


In the stake-to-earn model, the members must invest their money in the organization to earn tokens. The more money you invest, the more tokens you will make.


In the contribute-to-earn model, the members must contribute their time, skills, and money to earn tokens. Therefore, the more you contribute, the more tokens you will earn.


In the participate-to-earn model, the members are required to participate in the organization's activities to earn tokens. These tokens can be used for various purposes such as voting, payments, etc.


In the play-to-earn model, the members are required to play games to earn tokens. These tokens can be used for various purposes such as voting, payments, etc. It is an opportunity for game streamers and professional gamers to earn money by playing games.


In the learn-to-earn model, the members must learn about the organization and its activities to earn tokens. These tokens can be used for various purposes such as voting, payments, etc.

How can Seven Bits help you with creating DAO?

Seven Bits is a leading blockchain development company offering various advanced solutions to meet your requirements. In addition, we help you with our:

Smart contract development:

Our team of experts can help you develop smart contracts for your DAO. We use the latest tools and technologies to create high-quality smart contracts that are secure and reliable.

Token development:

We also offer token development services for your DAO. For example, we create custom tokens that can be used for various purposes such as payments, voting, etc.

DAO consulting:

If you are planning to launch a DAO, our team of experts can help you plan and execute the same. We offer DAO consulting services to help you with every step involved in launching a DAO.

dApps development:

We also offer dApps development services to help you develop decentralized applications. We use the latest tools and technologies to create high-quality dApps that are secure and reliable.

Contact us today

Get in touch with Seven Bits at to discuss your project today. We are a digital transformation company offering custom blockchain development services across multiple industries.