Cryptocurrency Exchange

Cryptocurrencies have been exponentially gaining popularity since 2009. It was the year when Bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency, was introduced to the digital world & since then, there has been no turning back. With a market capitalization of around 300 billion USD, cryptocurrencies are here to stay and grow even more significantly.

As more people are becoming aware of cryptocurrencies and their potential, the demand for cryptocurrency exchange platforms is also increasing. A cryptocurrency exchange is a platform where people can buy, sell or trade cryptocurrencies for other digital assets or traditional fiat currencies.

If you plan to develop a cryptocurrency exchange platform, this article is for you. This article will cover everything you need to know about creating a cryptocurrency exchange platform. So, without further ado, let's get started.

What is a Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform?

A cryptocurrency exchange is a digital marketplace where individuals can buy and sell cryptocurrencies using other digital assets or fiat currencies. A cryptocurrency exchange platform provides users with a secure and convenient way to trade cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency exchanges can be broadly classified into the following types:

Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges (CCE):

A centralized cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that matches the buy and sells orders of its users. It is similar to a stock exchange where buyers and sellers trade stocks. CCEs are usually owned and operated by a single company. They are centralized because all the data related to transactions, user information, etc., is stored on a central server. Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken are some of the popular centralized exchanges.

Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges (DCE):

A decentralized cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without the need for a central authority. In other words, it is a peer-to-peer (P2P) network where buyers and sellers can trade directly. The transactions in a decentralized exchange are stored on a blockchain. EtherDelta and IDEX are some of the popular decentralized exchanges.

Hybrid cryptocurrency exchanges:

A hybrid cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that combines the features of both centralized and decentralized exchanges. As a result, it offers the best of both worlds to its users. Bittrex is an example of a hybrid exchange.

Peer-to-peer exchanges (P2P):

A peer-to-peer exchange is a platform that allows users to trade directly with each other without the need for a central authority. The transactions in a P2P exchange are stored on a blockchain.

Now that you know the types of cryptocurrency exchanges, let's look at the features a good cryptocurrency exchange platform must-have.

Features of a Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform

To develop a good cryptocurrency exchange platform, you must ensure that it has all the essential features. Some of the must-have features of a cryptocurrency exchange platform are listed below:

User-friendly interface:

The user interface (UI) of exchange plays a vital role in its success. The UI must be simple and easy to use so that even a first-time user can easily navigate through the platform. Moreover, the platform must support a wide range of fiat and cryptocurrencies so that users can have more options to trade.


Since cryptocurrency exchanges deal with large amounts of money, it is essential to ensure that the platform is secure. Therefore, it must have robust security features like two-factor authentication (2FA), cold storage, etc., to protect user funds from hackers. In addition, the platform must also have a KYC (Know Your Customer) policy to prevent money laundering.

Order sharing:

Order sharing is a feature that allows users to share their buy/sell orders with other users of the exchange. This feature benefits buyers and sellers as it helps them get better prices for their orders. You need to k

Payment methods:

The platform must support multiple payment methods so users can quickly deposit and withdraw fiat currencies. Some popular payment methods are debit/credit cards, bank transfers, e-wallets, etc.

Customer support:

The exchange must have a dedicated customer support team to resolve the queries and problems of users. The customer support team must be available 24/7 via live chat, email, or phone.

Now that you know the features of a cryptocurrency exchange platform let's take a look at the steps involved in developing one.

Steps involved in developing a cryptocurrency exchange platform

Developing a cryptocurrency exchange platform is not an easy task. It requires a lot of planning and research. Below are the steps involved in developing a cryptocurrency exchange platform:


The first step is to do your research. You need to find out what features you want to include in your platform and what technologies you will need to develop. In addition, you also need to choose a jurisdiction where you want to set up your exchange.


Once you have done your research, it's time to start planning your exchange. You need to create a roadmap that includes all the features you want to include in your platform. In addition, you also need to set up a budget and timeline for developing your exchange.


After you have planned everything, it's time to start developing your exchange. You can either create the platform yourself or hire a team of developers from a professional company like Seven Bits to do it for you.


After the development process is complete, it's time to launch your exchange. First, you need to promote your platform so that more people can start using it.


Once your exchange is up and running, you need to regularly update it and add new features. You also need to monitor the platform for any security threats and resolve them as soon as possible.

How can Seven Bits helps you with cryptocurrency exchange platform development:

Seven Bits is an ISO 27001:2013 & 27701:2019 certified company that specializes in developing cryptocurrency exchange platforms. We have a team of experienced developers who can help you create a platform that meets all your requirements. In addition, we also provide 24/7 customer support to resolve any queries or problems you may have. We help you with:

Requirements gathering:

We help you understand your requirements and gather all the information you need to develop your exchange. Moreover, we also provide guidance on choosing the right technologies and features for your platform.

Design and development:

We design and develop a platform that is user-friendly and easy to use. In addition, we also ensure that the platform is secure and compliant with all the applicable laws and regulations.

Testing and launch:

After the development process is complete, we test the platform to ensure that it is working correctly. We also help you launch your exchange and promote it so that more people can start using it.

Maintenance and support:

We provide regular maintenance and support to keep your exchange up to and running. Moreover, we also monitor the platform for any security threats and resolve them as soon as possible.

Contact Seven Bits to get started!

If you are looking for a company that can help you with cryptocurrency exchange platform development, Seven Bits is here to help. Our team of blockchain developers has the experience and expertise to develop a platform that meets all your requirements. So get in touch with us at to get started.