Blockchain: Transforming Industries and Empowering Business Growth

Automotive supply chain management is among the most complex entities of business that requires constant monitoring. Be it an OEM supply chain or a car manufacturer, the challenge for planning, executing, and maintaining the growing business is always there. 

As we are moving towards Industry 4.0 and the customers' demands have grown up over the period. For coping with all the complexities in post-COVID-19, businesses need a robust solution to boost performance. 

Blockchain is a future-focused distributed ledger technology capable of driving higher performance and adding an extra security layer to the business. On this note, let's look at how advanced blockchain applications can boost the vehicle chain's performance. 

Better data analysis

Every growing business faces the challenge of accurate data retrieval and processing for generating value-driven insights. As businesses grow over time and their supply chain becomes even more complex, they need to streamline the process. With blockchain-based cloud database architecture, business owners can simplify how they are managing the data. 

By shifting their legacy database to blockchain-based data architecture, they can automate their time-consuming data processes. With blockchain integration, business owners can remove the dependency of centralized and manage data over multiple distribution centers. This upgrade helps companies boost their performance along with adding more security to the system. 

Higher transparency

Blockchain-based smart contracts can help companies manage and secure their business-sensitive information leveraging smart contracts. A supply chain employs multiple business partners and third-party vendors. As the business grows, the manual efforts for managing data and documents become a challenge in security and data integrity. 

For streamlining this problem for supply chains, smart contracts can automate various manual processes, saving both time and capital. Smart contracts are capable of reviewing business documents to ensure the information present is intact and unaltered. With this integration, business owners can better utilize their resources in other operations. 

SevenBits Blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) helps automotive manufacturers and supply chain vendors develop custom smart contracts for their business. Scale your business efficiently by automating the data processing of your company.  

Cost optimization

Businesses like automotive require more capital to sustain and grow in this competitive domain. Traditional tools and solutions are no longer relevant in terms of better optimization and cost leverage. For ensuring higher cost optimization in the growing supply chain, blockchain offers top-notch automation to simplify the most resource-intensive processes. 

Be it supply chain monitoring, procurement management, or managing newly onboarded team members or customers' data— blockchain can automate all. You can improve the entire customer lifecycle by providing fast & automated services leveraging blockchain. 

Blockchain introduces a new set of the capability to businesses that automate things that were not possible before. From speeding up the vehicle inspection process to processing insurance documents in bulk, blockchain helps in better cost optimization without degrading the process integrity. 

Why Seven Bits for blockchain development services?

SevenBits brings in a wide range of blockchain-based applications that help you make your business future-oriented. Our expert blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) team works for years to solve complex industry problems and drive results. With the support of more than eight public and private blockchain technologies, we offer a fully custom solution to streamline your business. 

Be it integrating smart contracts to manage your supply chain or improving customer or partner onboarding experience, we have got you covered. Scale your OEM or reselling business efficiently with our blockchain capabilities. 

Want to know more about how blockchain can help your automotive business and boost the overall performance? Get in touch with us at to explore the possibilities.