As the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape continues to evolve, Seven Bits Technologies embarked on a groundbreaking project to harness the potential of Uniswap V3 for decentralized exchange (DEX) development. Uniswap, a frontrunner in the DeFi space, provided a robust foundation that allowed for the seamless creation and customization of a DEX.

Advantages of Forking Uniswap's Codebase:

Forking Uniswap's codebase offered numerous advantages that fueled the rapid development of our DEX:

Quick Start:

  • Leveraging Uniswap's code base provided a solid foundation, significantly reducing initial development time. This allowed us to focus on customization and the addition of features specific to our DEX.

Community Support:

  • Being part of Uniswap's thriving community provided access to abundant resources, including documentation, forums, and support. This collective knowledge base proved invaluable in navigating challenges and optimizing our DEX.


  • Uniswap's codebase, with its extensive security audits and testing, mitigated the risk of vulnerabilities in our DEX. This commitment to security ensured the protection of user transactions and data.

Proven Concept:

  • Uniswap's success as an automated market-maker (AMM) was a testament to the viability of the decentralized exchange concept. Utilizing this proven model instilled confidence in the development of our DEX.

Key Features of Uniswap V3 Integration:

Our DEX, built upon the foundation of Uniswap V3, introduced key features focused on concentrated liquidity provision and enhanced capital efficiency:

Concentrated Liquidity:

  • The DEX prioritized concentrated liquidity provision, enabling liquidity providers (LPs) to specify price ranges for their liquidity. This approach aimed to reduce the capital required for liquidity provision.

Non-Fungible Liquidity Positions (NFT-LPs):

  • A groundbreaking addition to represent liquidity provision was the introduction of Non-Fungible Liquidity Positions (NFT-LPs). This innovative concept added a layer of flexibility and uniqueness to LP engagement.

Multiple Fee Tiers:

  • The DEX supported multiple fee tiers, providing more options for LPs. This strategic flexibility aimed to attract a diverse range of liquidity providers and enhance the overall trading experience.

Development Process:

The process of forking Uniswap V3 and crafting our DEX involved several key steps:

Clone the Repository:

  • Initiated by cloning the Uniswap code repository from GitHub, laying the groundwork for customization.


  • Tailored the code to suit the specific needs of our project, incorporating changes to the user interface, supported assets, and fee structures.

Security Audits:

  • Conducted comprehensive security audits and testing to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, ensuring the robustness of our DEX.


  • Successfully deployed the DEX on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network, ensuring compatibility with Ethereum and other networks.

Community Engagement:

  • Actively engaged with the Uniswap and broader DeFi community to promote our DEX, gather feedback, and foster collaboration.

Ongoing Maintenance:

  • Implemented a strategy for continuous maintenance and improvement to stay competitive and secure in the dynamic DeFi landscape.
Screenshot of Seven Bits DEX SWAP PoC

Challenges and Considerations:

While forking Uniswap brought significant advantages, our team navigated several challenges:


  • Recognized the highly competitive nature of the DEX market, emphasizing the need for differentiation and continuous innovation.

Regulatory Compliance:

  • Remained vigilant about regulatory compliance, ensuring adherence to legal requirements in relevant jurisdictions.

Liquidity Attraction:

  • Acknowledged the critical importance of attracting liquidity providers and traders for the success of our DEX.

Security Measures:

  • Prioritized robust security measures to address potential threats in the decentralized finance space.

Innovations in Uniswap V3:

Uniswap V3 introduced groundbreaking features that enhanced the DEX landscape:

Price Range Functionality:

  • Liquidity providers gained the ability to define a valid price range, reducing the risk of impermanent loss and enhancing capital efficiency.

Fee Tiers:

  • Different fee tiers were introduced based on the risk level of the pool, catering to stable pairs, medium-risk pairs, and high-risk pairs.

Improved TWAP Oracle Mechanism:

  • Uniswap V3 featured an improved Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) oracle mechanism, providing enhanced accuracy in price tracking.

Integrating Uniswap V3:

The simplicity of integrating Uniswap into our smart contracts opened new possibilities. For instance, users could seamlessly pay with Ethereum (ETH) in addition to other payment options, enhancing flexibility within our contracts.


In conclusion, Seven Bits Technologies successfully demonstrated the potential of Uniswap V3 through the development of a feature-rich DEX. By forking Uniswap's codebase, we harnessed the advantages of a proven concept, community support, and robust security. Our innovative additions, including concentrated liquidity and NFT-LPs, set the stage for a dynamic and capital-efficient decentralized exchange. The integration of Uniswap V3 features, coupled with ongoing community engagement and strategic maintenance, positions our DEX as a promising player in the evolving DeFi landscape.

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