BitDarwin Bitcoin Prediction Platform stands at the forefront of innovation, uniting AI and Blockchain technologies to automate the creation of option contracts. With a current focus on 'Call Option contracts in BTC' and 'Housing Contracts,' BitDarwin aims to expand its repertoire, providing users with a comprehensive and adaptive prediction platform.

Problem Statement:

In the realm of cryptocurrency prediction platforms, a lack of comprehensive and user-friendly solutions has been a persistent challenge. BitDarwin emerges as a solution, aiming to automate contract creation through AI, concentrating on 'Call Option contracts in BTC' and 'Housing Contracts.' The technical implementation necessitates a detailed breakdown of business, content, functional, and technical requirements.


Business Requirements:

  • Establishment of predefined accounts for both money makers and users.
  • Clearly defined objectives for developing a Bitcoin prediction platform supporting a variety of contract options.

Content Requirements:

  • Facilitation of contract creation for money makers through an intuitive chatbot interface.
  • Capture and processing of critical contract details: Strike Price, Expiration Date, Premium, Open Interest.
  • Display of the system's BTC address for secure contract funding.
  • Automation of the contract creation process upon BTC receipt.
  • Empowering users to view and purchase contracts generated by money makers.

Functional Requirements:

  • Implementation of a secure login system using email and password.
  • Development of a user-friendly chatbot interface for efficient contract creation.
  • Empowerment of buyers to view, select, and purchase contracts.
  • Prioritization of basic functionality with a phased approach for advanced features.

Technical Requirements:

  • Initiation of the project with a local setup for development purposes.
  • Integration of AI for ARIMA-based BTC price predictions.
  • Utilization of Blockchain technology for secure contract creation and management.
  • Development of APIs for user registration, contract creation, and transaction validation.


User Authentication:

  • Successful implementation of a secure login system for both money makers and users.

Money Maker Actions:

  • Development of an efficient chatbot interface for seamless contract creation.
  • Successful capture and processing of critical contract details.
  • Streamlined automation of the contract creation process upon BTC receipt.
  • Implementation of a system to display and manage created contracts.

Buyer Actions:

  • Presentation of users with a comprehensive list of available contracts for purchase.
  • Empowerment of users to select and purchase contracts seamlessly.
  • Provision of buyers with visibility into their purchased contracts.

Contract Creation:

Option Contract Creation:

  • Utilization of AI for ARIMA-based BTC price predictions.
  • Integration of Blockchain technology for secure contract creation.
  • Provision of users with a user-friendly chatbot interface to answer option contract-related queries.
  • Automation of the generation of SQL queries for contract deployment.

Housing Contract Creation:

  • Implementation of a user-friendly chatbot interface for seamless creation of housing contracts.
  • Capture of user responses to generate SQL queries for housing contracts.

Explorer Portal:

USDC Token Supply:

  • Enabling users to connect to the Goerli testnet network.
  • Integration of Uniswap for the acquisition of USDC tokens.

Explorer Portal Flow:

  • Implementation of a portal for users to explore and purchase housing contracts.
  • Empowerment of users to view contract details and purchase contracts with USDC.

BitDarwin API Documentation:

Home Page:

  • Implementation of user wallet connection and balance display.
  • Development of chatbot functionality for contract creation.
  • Provision of access to account settings for user pool address retrieval.

Explorer Page:

  • Enabling users to connect their wallets for marketplace access.
  • Implementation of a marketplace for buying and selling contracts.
  • Development of a MyContracts section for users to view and resell owned contracts.


  • Creation of APIs for user registration, contract creation, and transaction validation.
  • Development of APIs for fetching contract lists, buying contracts, and managing user-owned contracts.

Upcoming Developments:

  • Integration of advanced AI for enhanced BTC price predictions.
  • Addition of diverse contract options to enrich the platform's offerings.


BitDarwin Prediction Platform represents a quantum leap in the cryptocurrency prediction space. By meticulously addressing business, content, functional, and technical requirements, the development team has laid a robust foundation for a sophisticated and user-friendly platform. The amalgamation of AI and Blockchain technology ensures secure and automated contract creation. As the platform continues to evolve, it is poised to offer an enhanced and streamlined experience for users engaged in Bitcoin prediction and contract trading.

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